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看起来让人烦躁不安。They seem fretful.

一个月过去,雪默尔达老太太开始烦躁不安起来。A month went by, andoldMrs. Simerdabegan to get fretful.

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平常一直尊重索贝斯先生的金融市场有些波动。Financial markets, usually respectful of Mr Solbes, were fretful.

您用虔诚如海阔般的慈心熨平我烦燥的不安。You use religious like sea rich compassion pressed me fretful uneasiness.

曼迪说,可是卡尔撅起了嘴表示不耐烦,她有点儿后悔那么说。Mandy said, but Cal pursed his lips in a fretful way, and she regretted it.

乖张的脾气加上易怒的性情,无论过著怎样的生活,都会闷闷不乐。A perverse temper and fretful disposition will make any state of life whatsoever unhappy.

这个网上小组,和不断扩大的博客们的共同呼声,都认为生活就是模仿艺术。The group, and an expanding chorus of fretful bloggers, reckon that life is imitating art.

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因此,面对焦虑的市场和烦躁的公众,政府应当做些什么来体现领导力量?So what should a government seeking to provide leadership to anxious markets and a fretful public do?

虽然对手们没能利用好这一点,他还有16分的优势,但他已开始焦躁。Even though his rivals have failed to capitalise, and he remains 16 points ahead, Button seems fretful.

她总是在他疲惫、烦燥的时候,为他点一支这样的香烟,让他平复他的情绪。She always is when he is tired out, fretful , light a such cigarette for him, let his be pacified his mood.

如果沉默能避免烦躁的我损害珍贵的关系,那么它就是金。Silence is golden if it keeps me from broadcasting that fretful self into my network of treasured relationships.

“不,我们不会,”弗洛西马上表示反对,好像随时准备着与别人争论,也许是因为太累,所以变得有点烦躁了。"No, we wouldn't, " declared Flossie , who seemed bound to start a dispute. Perhaps she was so tired that she was fretful.

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随手拣起一份小城镇的报纸你就会发现上面有一堆给疲劳的妇女、焦躁的孩子和累坏了的男人们吃的“圣药”。Pick up almost any small town paper and you will find a dozen "sovereign remedies" for tired women or fretful children or run-down men.

在这个焦躁不安的时代,每一个雕塑作品都赋予了见证和反抗这个世界的脆弱的功用。On the ages in this anxious and fretful discomfort, each effect of flimsiness that carved works to all give witness and resist this world.

不管年龄性别,卷尾猴都裸露着白色的脸孔,长着人类一样的大耳朵,永远是一副老店主般皱缩烦躁的表情。Whatever their age or sex, the monkeys all have naked white faces, big humanlike ears, and the pursed, fretful expressions of old shopkeepers.

爱世界的心以及财富之陷阱,试图扼杀我们内心中的每一个良善。我们变得烦躁、丧胆、骄傲、属肉体。The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches are apt to choke everything good within us, and we grow fretful , desponding, perhaps proud and carnal.

投资者通常会嗅出衰退结束的气味,金融市场的上涨会给焦躁不安的消费者和企业高管带来明确的、增强信心的信号。Investors often sniff out the end to recession before it occurs, and rising markets often provide a confidence-boosting, all-clear signal to fretful consumers and business executives.

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在附近一条水渠旁,驴子背上驮着刚割的苜蓿,等着主人牵它们回家去,一面发出一阵阵急促的叫声,和浇地的水泵不断发出的突突声交织在一起。At he edge of a nearby canal, donkeys laden with freshly harvested alfalfa waited for their masters to lead them home, braying a fretful counterpoint to the steady thud of an irrigation pump.

在附近一条水渠旁,驴子背上驮着刚割的苜蓿,等着主人牵它们回家去,一面发出一阵阵急促的叫声,和浇地的水泵不断发出的突突声交织在一起。At the edge of a nearby canal, donkeys laden with freshly harvested alfalfa waited for their masters to lead them home, braying a fretful counterpoint to the steady thud of an irrigation pump.

如今,如瀑布一样的市场衰退的声音一并淹没了焦躁和夸张的关于中印的鼓噪——但是还没有完全淹没,也许不会太久,并且在各个领域情况并不一致。Today, the sound of cascading market crashes seems to be drowning both the fretful and the exuberant China-India chatter—but not completely, probably not for long, and not equally in all places.