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也没有办法找回。No way to retrieve it.

取出销钉连接器。Retrieve the pin connector.

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取得一个虚拟网络的信息。Retrieve information about a VNet.

取得一个盘的情报。Retrieve information about a Volume.

我想你一定可以收到你的信。I am sure you can retrieve your letter.

我奔回房间取回自己的提包。I run back to my room and retrieve my bag.

她极力设法恢复她的奢华生活。She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.

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回收井眼内落鱼的试图。To attempt to retrieve a fish from a wellbore.

现在我们检索此联系人以便进行更新。We now retrieve this contact to make the updates.

为了找回这些信息,给它一些时间。In order to retrieve the information, give it time.

具体来说,您需要检索用户的时间线。Specifically, you want to retrieve a user's timeline.

圣域传说将让你不再沉沦!Legend Of Saintly Terrain will retrieve you from lost!

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如果没有发生错误,应该可以看到检索表单。If there is no error, you should see the retrieve form.

当发生这个的时候,我意愿要回光体并将其重铸。When this occurs, I intend to retrieve it and recast it.

我愤怒,心碎,不知道如何撑过去。I was vexed and sorrowful and had no idea how to retrieve.

多传感器数据检索热加工。Multiple sensors retrieve the thermal data for processing.

它将尝试检索上面所述的序列化对象。It tries to retrieve the serialized object described above.

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将光速能够帮助新光检索两个神奇宝贝?Will Hikari be able to help Shinko retrieve the two Pokémon?

要检索该值,您需要请求该变量的值。To retrieve the value, you request the value of the variable.

我首先得把花在你这的钱全要回来。I will retrieve my money which spend here these days at first.