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我们发现频繁的再入院同样与LM相关。Frequent readmission was also found to be associated with LM.

巴基斯坦还得对拒绝重新接纳这些人提供理由。Pakistan also will have to justify any refusal for readmission.

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他认为,更严格的标准,应当重新申请。He felt that more rigorous standards of readmission should apply.

我们可以在他走掉的时候拉走他的护照,然后拒绝他重返美国吗?Can we yank his passport while he's gone and refuse him readmission to the US?

然而,抗生素给予的时间和再住院率无关。However, timing of antibiotics was not associated with likelihood of readmission.

主要结果评估是再次入院,死亡率以及再次入院诊断。The primary outcome was hospital readmission and mortality and readmission diagnosis.

欧洲议会星期二以382对250票通过了这个要求巴基斯坦重新接纳这些人的协议。The European Parliament backed the readmission accord Tuesday with a vote of 382 to 250.

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第一章主要分析1656年英国重新接纳犹太人的原因。Chapter one generally discusses the issues of the Readmission of Jews by Englishmen in 1656.

缔约双方得同意接收申请所使用的范表。The Contracting Parties may agree upon a common form to be used for readmission applications.

你曾否被任何学院或大学监管、要求停学或拒绝重新申请入读?。Have you ever been on probation, suspended or refused readmission at any college or university?

本着完全互惠的精神,领导人讨论了遣返和便利签证问题。In the spirit of full reciprocity, leaders discussed issues of readmission and visa facilitation.

不不不,德国是为了清洗种族灭绝的罪名以求重新加入人类社会。No no, they went in to cleanse themselves of genocide and apply for readmission to the human race.

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在研究中,没有胃带病人患有需要重新入院的并发症。None of the gastric band patients in the study had complications that required readmission to the hospital.

这个学生因为分数太低而被大学开除,他要求继续学习。Expelled from the university because of poor grades, the student applied for readmission the following term.

并以同病再入院与术后伤口发炎率作为品质指标。We also adopted the readmission rate and post-operation infection rate as quality indicators for comparison.

根据这项协议,欧盟提出的任何重新接纳的要求如果在60天内没有得到巴基斯坦的回复将被认为是接受了这个要求。Under the accord, any EU readmission request not answered by Pakistan within 60 days will be considered accepted.

晚期再住院和死亡并非因手术或者瓣膜病变,而是因为某些并存的疾病。The bulk of late readmission and mortality was not procedure or valve related but rather was due to comorbidities.

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在随访过程中患者的再入院率并无差异,而患者住院时间的长短仍存在争议。There was no difference in readmission rates at any follow-up time and results for hospital length of stay were conflicting.

十四天内非计划性再住院率为医疗品质监测指标中结果面的指标之一。The rate of readmission to the hospital within 14 days after previous discharge is an indicator of a hospital's health care quality.

报告指出,置入生物瓣的患者因为出血、中风、栓塞而再次入院的风险也较低。The risks of readmission for hemorrhage, stroke, and embolism were also lower for bioprosthetic valve recipients, the report indicates.