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而避免了粪灾。Dung disaster averted.

我是个可悲的灾星。I'm a pathetic disaster.

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安倍经济学就是个灾难。Abenomics was a disaster.

乌鸦呱呱叫预报灾难。The crow croaked disaster.

大祸临头。Disaster strikes one's head.

然后这样就会有灾难了。And that would be a disaster.

这或许也并非一场灾难。That might not be a disaster.

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灾祸临头。A great disaster is befalling.

这是一场大规模的灾难。This is a high-scale disaster.

也门是另一场灾难。Yemen is yet another disaster.

方多战役被证明是一场灾难。Fondor proved to be a disaster.

我认为这将会是一场灾难。I think it would be a disaster.

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那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱。The disaster dizzied his brain.

这就预示1945年要发生灾难。This augured disaster for 1945.

因为这是一场生态灾难。This is an ecological disaster.

水土不服的中国公司在美国法庭上遭遇困境Chinese Companies Court Disaster

拿上你的灾难应急包。Take your Disaster Supplies Kit.

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灾难不期发生了!A disaster happened unexpectedly.

灾祸是福,塞翁失马焉知非福。Disaster is blessing in disguise.

只知纵情享乐,而不知他已面临祸殃。He knows pleasure but not disaster.