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赫伯特能不能完成使命?Was Herbert able to fulfill the task?

你跟赫伯特的第一堂课上得如何?How was your first class with Herbert?

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赫伯尔特比我早八个月成年。Herbert himself had come of age eight months before me.

因为拉西里的罗宾吃了。"Because Robin of Locksley has gnawed if, " said Herbert.

赫伯特·胡佛在十岁时成了孤儿,但有其他的亲属。Herbert Hoover, orphaned at the age of 10, had other family.

一个好母亲相当于上百个好教师—乔治·赫伯特。A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters—George Herbert.

史密夫和世达未进行进一步的评价。Herbert Smith and Skadden, Arps did not provide further comment.

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赫伯特将得到这笔现金的一半,据伦敦时报报导。Herbert will get half the cash, according to The Times of London.

“赫伯赛门讲座”乃为纪念赫伯赛门而设立。The " Herbert Simon Lectures" is established in memory of Herbert A.

威利·赫伯特是当今仍健在的最伟大的,最早探险极地的人。Wally Herbert is the greatest pioneering polar explorer alive today.

我想到了赫伯特胡佛在大萧条中所面对的境况。I’m thinking of what Herbert Hoover faced during the Great Depression.

昆士兰队进攻,丹尼·赫伯特将球传给蒂姆·霍兰,霍兰持球触地得分。Queensland attack, Danny Herbert passes to Tim Horan who scores a try.

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1992年的老布什有能力收服帕特·布坎南的反叛乐队?Could George Herbert Walker Bush tame Pat Buchanan's rebel band in 1992?

赫伯特和詹姆斯兄弟二人一起生活,家中还有老母亲和一只猫叫埃德格。Two brother. Herbert and James, lived with their mother a cat named Edgar.

最后,美国总统赫伯特·胡佛下达了一年的禁令。as a result, US President Herbert Hoover introduced a one-year moratorium.

“我们发现内聚蛋白在其中应该负主要责任”,赫伯特说。Our findings point to Cohesin being a major culprit in this", said Herbert."

赫伯特·胡佛总统也会向侍者打听股价。President Herbert Hoover sniffed about bellboys speculating on share prices.

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二十世纪三十年代的美国总统是赫伯特·胡佛和富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福。The Presidents of the 1930s were Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt

恐惧在胡佛和罗斯福任期的中间期得到加强。Fear intensified during the interregnum between Herbert Hoover and Franklin D.

史密夫的小组由香港合伙人阿希里·阿尔德和凯文·瑞里带领。Herbert Smith's team was led by Hong Kong partners Ashley Alder and Kevin Roy.