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他这个人做事豪放不羁。He is vigorous and unrestrained in behaviour.

也许。芜拘芜束的笑,就是嚄最大的快了。Perhaps unrestrained Smiles is I big gest joy.

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快乐童年,永浪之源。Happy childhood, the forever unrestrained source.

法国红磨坊,酒酣舞狂放。French moulin rouge, freed wine unrestrained dance.

在无数溢美之词中人们宣布了“她”的到来。Her arrival was announced with unrestrained razzmatazz.

豪放的锅庄和欢乐的弦子,化为狂欢席卷了高原的老少。Bold and unrestrained music turns the plateau into a sea of joy.

巴斯夏也不容许无拘无束的民主逃出他的掌心。Nor does Bastiat allow unrestrained democracy to escape his grasp.

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明快的杏黄色又会创造出青春的奔放意境。Bright apricot yellow would have created a mood of unrestrained youth.

他抬起头来,一对贪婪的眼光露出馋涎欲滴的神情。He raised his head , with a look of unrestrained greed in his covetous eyes.

喜欢一种洒脱的生活,就像奔跑的羚羊,无拘无束。The antelope liked a kind of big-hearted life, been like to rush, unrestrained.

但是,他们保持独立的强烈热情总是狂放不羁。Their fierce passion to remain independent, however, was too often unrestrained.

同时他们那些天马行空的创意也赋予人们一个审视传统的新视角。And their unrestrained creativity can lead to a new way of looking at traditions.

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引入有限元法对活塞环自由状态曲线进行了分析研究。The unrestrained piston ring curve has been analyzed by the finite element method.

假如我是一朵雪花,翩翩的在半空里潇洒。If I am a snowflake, lightly moving of natural and unrestrained in the half emptily.

即使在共和党预选之前,我也从没看到过人们对兰德如此奔放的热情。Even before the primary, I was never witness to such unrestrained enthusiasm for Rand.

他们对人对事有一股潇洒劲,洞察世态的样子。They have a natural and unrestrained enthusiasm, and insight into the world like state.

男人总是潇洒好一些,学我的翡翠般的石头姐姐。Man always natural and unrestrained some good, learn of me jade-like stone elder sister.

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她的成掌状分裂而舒展的叶片显得十分豁达而潇洒。Her split and stretch into a palmate leaves appears to be very open-minded and unrestrained.

毫不修饰的墙面彰显主人无拘无束的性格特点。The metope that decorates none reveals the disposition characteristic with unrestrained host.

而梦想像一剂强心针,让我们激情奔放,让我们勇往无前!And the dreams like a shot in the arm, let us unrestrained passion, let us go without prior to!