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这是鲍勃·派斯利所使用的一种策略。It was a tactic Bob Paisley employed.

佩斯利最近启动了他的“水二多雨及怀德”之旅。Paisley recently kicked off his "H2O II Wetter and Wilder" tour.

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他穿上自己最好的黑西装,搭配着佩斯利领带和黑衬衫。He wore his best suit, with a paisley tie and black-on-black shirt.

他衣冠楚楚,穿着灰色西服、蓝色衬衫,系着一条佩斯利花纹领带。He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt and paisley tie.

豪厄尔在喉间低低地笑了,把他的佩斯利领带解开。Howell laughed deep within his throat and shucked off his paisley tie.

而花色服装配以螺旋花纹的领带是男性牛儿的首选哦。You shimmer in flowery dresses, and paisley ties are a must for male Bulls.

他猜想颜色在一个随机、迷幻的佩斯利涡旋中无序地摆动。He imagined the colors fluctuating chaotically in a random, psychedelic paisley.

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布拉德佩斯利在代托纳国际赛道表现在代托纳海滩,佛罗里达州,2011年2月20日。Brad Paisley performs at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida, Feb. 20, 2011

派斯里延长了大部分的路,她下巴上漏了果肉在她跳跳中。Paisley slep most of the way there, her chin spilling over onto her jumper in white waves of flesh.

安德伍德此次一举击败斯威夫特,以及肯尼·切斯尼、凯斯·厄本和布拉德·派斯利等实力派选手。Underwood was up against Swift and other artists including Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban and Brad Paisley.

贝克·麦坚时的小组包括驻悉尼的合伙人本·迈克劳林、罗伯特·威廉姆斯和布莱恩·佩斯利。Baker & McKenzie's team included Sydney-based partners Ben McLaughlin, Robert Williams and Bryan Paisley.

1992年在遇到“王子”并且在他那里试音之后卡门埃莱克特拉与“王子”创建的唱片公司签约。Since prince liked carmen s appearance and style , he signed her to a paisley park records label deal in 1992

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没有比尔-香克利和鲍勃-佩斯利以及那些在这里踢球的球员,利物浦队不会成为象今天这样的俱乐部。Liverpool wouldn't be the club it is today without Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley and the players who played there.

五月佩斯利将出任该权利共享政府的首席部长,亚当斯将是该党的二号人物,新芬党的马丁•麦吉尼斯将担任佩斯利的副手。In May Mr Paisley will become first minister, with Mr Adams's second-in-command, Martin McGuinness, as his deputy.

佩斯利将在五月份成为首位部长,亚当斯将任副指挥,马丁•麦吉尼斯任其助理。In May Mr Paisley will become first minister, with Mr Adams's second-in-command, Martin Mc Guinness, as his deputy.

“如果香克利是安菲尔德的工头,佩斯利就是准备用他的双手建立一个帝国的泥瓦匠。”汤米-史密斯。"If Shankly was the Anfield foreman, Paisley was the brickie, ready to build an empire with his own hands. " Tommy Smith.

“在比赛中我欠鲍勃的比欠任何其他人的都多。再也不会有另一个象他那样的人。”肯尼-达格利什谈鲍勃-佩斯利。"I owe Bob more than I owe anybody else in the game. There will never be another like him. " Kenny Dalglish on Bob Paisley.

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一个新生婴儿被直升飞机空运到佩斯利,因为他在乡村医院出生,但并发症威胁他的小生命。NEWBORN boy was airlifted by helicopter to Paisley after life-threatening complications set in following his birth at a rural hospital.

好莱坞明星杰拉德·巴特勒已经参与了拯救儿童病房的行动,在他的家乡佩斯利一家医院的儿童病房面临倒闭。HOLLYWOOD star Gerard Butler has joined the fight to save a closure-threatened children's ward at a hospital in his home town of Paisley.

北爱尔兰强硬派的新教教士和议员佩斯利称赞布莱尔在调解北爱尔兰和平问题上发挥的作用。Northern Ireland's hardline Protestant cleric and lawmaker Ian Paisley praised Blair for his role in brokering peace in Northern Ireland.