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戈文去过那峡谷吗?Has Gwen been to the glen?

大山,你是怎么认识格伦的?Dashan, How do you know Glen?

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格伦约翰逊踢得相当好。Glen Johnson played really well.

格连说不要杀他。Glen told them not to kill Jack.

库尔特轻声地随着格伦一起哼唱。Kurt quietly sang along with Glen.

如梅,云波,这是我的老朋友格伦·帕克。This is my old friend, Glen Parker.

在莫雷阿岛上,一匹白马在郁郁葱葱的山谷里吃草。On Moorea, a white horse browses a lush glen.

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处在你的位置,我就会先同格伦说清楚。Unit5. If I were you, I'd speak to Glen first.

店员通知了警方,格伦在附近被逮捕。The clerk alerted police, who arrested Glen nearby.

格伦驾驶着他那辆新赛车时像飞一样。Glen drives like fury in that new sports CAR of his.

格伦驾驶著他那辆新赛车时像飞一样。Glen drives like fury in that new sports car of his.

鸥鸽啊,你的回音穿过山谷。Thou stock-dove whose echo resounds through the glen.

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格伦和洛兰刚刚庆祝了他们的钻石婚纪念日。Glen and Lorraine just celebrated their diamond anniversary.

这场比赛,格伦·约翰逊打左后卫,他至少可以勉强猜出球门在哪里。Glen Johnson at left back and guess where the goal was conceded.

因此,雄鹿弗兰基,这只深受格伦加德纳中心人们钟爱的鹿,一直自由自在。So Frank Buck, the wonderful deer of Glen Gardner, remains free.

菲茨比尔斯走到俯瞰着那座庄园府第的峡谷边缘。Fitzpiers reached the edge of the glen overlooking the manor-house.

不过,格伦·约翰逊和法比奥·奥雷里奥则已经可以参加比赛了。However, Glen Johnson and Fabio Aurelio could come into contention.

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高地、空地、幽谷上它们灿烂的微笑全不见。And the brightness of their smile was gone, from upland, glade, and glen.

最近,雷蒙得。冈特和格林。博得纳已测试出三种可能的解释。Now Raymond Gunter and Glen Bodner have tested three possible explanations.

给梦指路的女儿,漫步在峡谷和溪流,寻找那雪中的紫罗兰。A dream-led daughter, roaming over glen and dell seeking violetsin the snow.