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中毒动物因持续强直性惊厥导致呼吸衰竭死亡。The animals with poisoning died due to respiratory failure caused by persistent tetanic convulsion.

在运动中手指触到地板上或举起一个物体的时候,绝不可使双膝僵直。It is not allowed that both knees are tetanic when fingers touch floor or lift an object during exercising.

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在这种情况下,评估肌肉对持续强直刺激的反应性可能有用。When this is the case, the evaluation of the muscular response to a continuous tetanic stimulation may be useful.

方法采用间接血凝试验检测了346名在临沂市兰山区居住的育龄妇女破伤风抗体。Methods The level of tetanic antibody in 346 women of childbearing age in Linyi City underwent indirect blood coagulation detection.

目的探讨萎缩比目鱼肌高频强直收缩疲劳性增加涉及细胞膜离子通道的可能机理。Objective To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the high fatigability in mouse atrophic soleus during high-frequency tetanic contraction.

常住育龄妇女各年龄组之间破伤风抗体阳性率、阳性TAT平均含量无显著差异。There existed no significant difference in positive rate of tetanic antibody from groups of different ages or in the average level of positive TAT.

骨骼肌间断强直收缩期间,当刺激间隔缩短到一定程度时,收缩张力呈现逐步降低,即产生疲劳现象。Fatigue occurs when the interval of intermittent tetanic contraction of skeletal muscle is shortened to a certain degree and the contractile tension declines.

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结论纤维强直期强直性脊柱炎患者脊柱功能障碍的原因可能是患者的腰椎运动单元结构发生了改变。Conclusion Fiber tetanic period in patients with ankylosing spondylitis spinal dysfunction may be due to the lumbar spine in patients with motor unit structure has changed.

中枢给予微量二巯丙磺钠也显著抑制大鼠的惊厥发作、降低死亡率和抑制脑电图中强直性惊厥波的出现。Central administration of trace DMPS also significantly inhibited convulsive seizure, reduced the death number and inhibited the emergence of tetanic convulsion wave on EEG.

单次用药20分钟后,当四个成串刺激恢复正常和强直刺激消退后,没有必要再进行拮抗。Twenty minutes after a single bolus dose, it may be unnecessary to antagonize the block when the train-of-four has returned to normal and fade is not present to a tetanic stimulus.