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我们同在打扫脱粒桨。On we sweep with threshing oar.

他们在谷仓打谷。They are threshing in the barn.

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象打谷场上飞迸的谷糠。Like chaff from a threshing floor.

农民们在打麦。The farmers are threshing their wheat.

是从禾场,是从酒榨呢?From the threshing floor? From the winepress?

农夫不会一直打谷的,上帝也不会一直用杖的。The great Husbandman is not always threshing.

我已使你成为有快齿打粮的新器具。Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing i.

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梨和打谷机都是农具。Plows and threshing machines are farm implements.

他们正在骄阳下打谷。They are threshing crops under the scorching sun.

约翰正在把他的狗领到打谷场周围。John is leading his dog around the threshing floor.

打谷机在微博兴起之前的年代在哪混?The threshing machine in micro-blog before the rise in what?

得赶好天把场打完。We've got to finish the threshing while the good weather lasts.

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看哪,他今夜在禾场上簸大麦。Behold, he is winnowing the barley tonight at the threshing floor.

脱粒机构的滚筒为花盘开式滚筒。The roller of the threshing machine is a disk chuck open type roller.

农场工人都跑到场上把麦子敛在-起。The farmhands all rushed to the threshing ground to gather up the wheat.

智慧的王、簸散恶人、用碌碡辊轧他们。A wise king winnows the wicked, And drives the threshing wheel over them.

如果她被搓完的秸秆,她将是有罪的脱粒。If she were rubbing the ends of the stalks, she would be guilty of threshing.

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要从你羊群,禾场,酒榨之中多多地给他。Supply him liberally from your flock, your threshing floor and your winepress.

有的在打捆,有的正在把稻捆运往打谷场。Some are tying up the bundles. Others are carrying them to the threshing ground.

割断后的禾穗由一个锥度螺旋输送器输入脱粒滚筒脱粒。Cut rice ears are put into the threshing roller by a taper screw conveyor for threshing.