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通过选择。By choice.

您可以选择。You have choice.

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我们有一个选择。We have a choice.

我们没有选择。We have no choice.

莪不能选择孓。But I can't choice.

你的选择是什么?What is your choice?

但是我没有选择。But I have no choice.

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我们都有一个选择。We all have a choice.

现在你有一个选择。Now you have a choice.

今天我们有一个选择。Today we have a choice.

我们的确还有其他的选择。We do have some choice.

你们也有一种选择。You, too, have a choice.

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这也是我们大家都要作的选择。It's a choice we all make.

还有什么别的选择?What other choice is there?

你的选择是什么?What should be your choice?

博众酒业,您的最佳选择。Bozhong is your best choice.

决择在人的一生当中。Choice of the person's life.

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除了等待,我们别无选择。We had no choice but to wait.

但是,这应当是她们自己的选择。But it should be their choice.

交托我们的忧虑是自己的选择。Casting our cares is a choice.