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他们在美国大使馆安装窃听器。They bugged the US Embassy.

文莱达鲁萨兰国大使馆?。Embassy of Brunei Darussalam?

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日本大使馆在哪儿?Where is the Japanese Embassy?

带着爱的温柔使命去汝国。In tender embassy of love to thee.

英国大使馆---帮我解决一下隆胸的烦恼吧!British embassy -- sort out my boobs !

中国驻法使馆捐献了帐篷。China?s embassy in France donates tents.

她隶属中国大使馆。She was attached to the Chinese Embassy.

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我们是中国大使馆的常客…We are familiars of the Chinese Embassy.

伊朗拘留英国大使馆工作人员。Iran detains local British embassy staff.

大使馆降为公使馆。The embassy was downgraded to a legation.

你想话揾中国大使馆咩?Do you intend to find the Chinese Embassy?

其中的三分之一都分布在这个“使馆街”。About one-third of them occupy Embassy Row.

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他们窃听美国大使馆内的谈话。They bugged conversations in the US embassy.

巴西联邦共和国大使馆?。Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil?

华盛顿大使馆。Embassy Washington. Maureen Dowd is off today.

对大使馆的袭击是个很好的标志。The attack on the embassy was well signposted.

我去过菲律宾使馆一次,就是为了好玩。I went to the Philippine embassy once, for fun.

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这是真的,你知道李捷和月球大使馆吗?It"s true, do you know LiJie and Lunar Embassy?"

那个政治叛逃者被一大使馆接纳避难。The political defector was refuged in an embassy.

拉登女儿摆脱伊朗软禁,躲入沙特大使馆。Bin Laden daughter hides in Saudi embassy in Iran.