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我有一个猕猴桃和一个甜瓜。Jag har en kiwi och en melon.

取而代之的,是一块砖头砸到了他的“美洲豹”侧门。Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag 's side door!

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相反,一块砖头却撞在“美洲虎”的侧门上。Instead, a brick smashed into② the Jag 's side door!

乔迷上足球了,这段时间总谈论。Joe's on a soccer jag . It's all he ever talks about.

你知道吗?斯佳丽,我看你是到了该大哭一场的边缘了。You know, Scarlett, I think you're on the verge of a crying jag.

据说你是个出色的律师,以前在军法署干。Rumor has it that you're very good attorney, formerly of the JAG core.

在还没有呕吐或晕过去之前,她假装一阵咳嗽,逃离了房间。She’d feigned a coughing jag to escape the room before she vomited or passed out.

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我离开这狂欢的人群,我进入角色,假如他们不痛苦,我会把他们放到长征队里。I left the jag and I took the roles, if they ain't cutting, then I put 'em on foot patrol.

他们出了汽车然后通过一个厨房走进了大厦。然后他们走进了房间。They climb out of the jag and enter the condo through the kitchen. Then into the living room.

这辆捷豹已经选用了电动车窗,不过靠近司机一侧的2个车窗需要注意。This Jag has been optioned with power windows however 2 windows on drivers side will need attention. !

和这个价位上的某些车型不同的是,这款敞篷车的操控非常简洁,驾驶起来毫不费力。Unlike some in this price class, the controls of the Jag are straightforward and the car can be driven with effortless ease.

不继续吃汞含量偏高的鱼类肯定是明智的——所以,无论你多么喜欢金枪鱼排,也不要每天都吃。It's definitely wise not to go on an eating jag that favors one of the fish high in the metal -- so no matter how much you like tuna steaks, don't dine on them daily.

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我还想要继续“失踪的舰队”前面的“太空JAG”系列,但发现即使小说获得了好评,读者也不够多。I also want to try to continue the JAG in Space series which preceeded the Lost Fleet but didn't find a big enough audience then even though the books were well-reviewed.

自初次查访鉴定为违章之后的7到90天时间,公司遵章和人权管理部或任何其他代表有权对任何地方进行追踪查访。The Corporate Compliance &Human Rights Group or any other JAG representative will authorize follow-up visits anywhere from 7 to 90 days after an initial visit has identified noncompliance.

到下个星期二,你在突击小组里,借着地下室里那盏昏暗的灯光四处张望,你在猜测着到底是谁把美洲豹开进喷泉里。The next Tuesday night, you'll be looking around the Assault Committee meeting under the one light in the black fight club basement, and you're still wondering who forced the jag into the fountain.