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乐队成员唐·亨利说弗雷就像是他的兄弟。Bandmate Don Henley says Frey was like a brother to him.

1858年弗雷赛河淘金热后迅速发展。In 1858 Frey after the river gold rush rapid development.

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Frey拒绝了,要保持个人及商业财产分开。Frey refused, wanting to keep personal and business finances separate.

老鹰乐队宣布,吉他手格列弗雷去世,享年67岁。Eagles guitarist Glenn Frey has died at the age of 67, the band has announced.

“我没有答应,因为我不愿意那我的房子做抵押”,Frey说。"I got nothing because I wasn't willing to collateralize it with my house," Frey said.

托雷是全美最大的南瓜农场之一「佛雷农场」的老闆。Talley is chief executive of Frey Farms, which may be the largest pumpkin farm in the United States.

这名塞尔维亚门将新赛季将作为塞巴斯蒂安。弗雷和洛邦特的替补。The Serbian custodian will provide cover for Sebastien Frey and Bogdan Lobont at the Viola next season.

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创业的第一年,特瑞普•弗雷和双胞胎兄弟约翰和克里斯•普开着房车来销售产品。For their first year of operation, Tripp Frey and twin brothers Jon and Chris Pew ran sales out of an RV.

舍甫琴科随后在禁区内一脚劲射被弗雷挡出,米兰控制了场上局势。Shevchenko then had a powerful drive from inside the area parried away by Frey as Milan took control of the game.

弗雷伊发现,很多州吸纳的移民都不会说英语或者没有接受过完整的教育。Mr Frey found that many of the new magnet states attract immigrants unlikely to speak English or to have completed school.

米兰现在已经在和布雷西亚商谈意大利U21国家队门将艾米亚诺维维亚诺转会的事宜,他及有可能成为引进弗雷不成的备选方案。Milan are also in talks with Brescia for Italy U21 keeper Emiliano Viviano, who would arrive as an eventual backup to Frey.

在确定了梅洛和约韦蒂奇后,紫百合将目光放在了克鲁塞罗德巴西门将法比奥,以防弗雷离开。After Melo and Jovetic, viola board would have engaged also the brazilian goalie Fabio of Cruzeiro, in case of Frey departure.

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时钟走到了第七十分钟,从这个三十四岁的老将那里打出了一记斜射,这个晚上第三次穿透了福雷。The clock had hit the seventieth minute, a diagonal shot from the thirty-four year old beat Frey for the third time in the evening.

弗瑞说,老龄人口──特别是当其中有大批85岁以上的老年人的时候──会对国家经济造成重大负担。Frey said that an aging population, especially when it includes large numbers of people over age 85, can strain a country’s economy.

意甲佛罗伦萨俱乐部的塞巴斯蒂安-弗雷已经被招入国家队,而法甲巴黎圣日尔曼俱乐部的麦克尔-朗德罗也将出现在首发十一人中。Fiorentina's Sebastien Frey has been called up, with Paris St Germain's Mickael Landreau set to make the step up into the starting XI.

在球场另一端,卡拉泽第一时间抢射被门将弗雷扑出,卡卡近距离补射却高出横梁。Then at the other end, Kaka fired over from close range after Kaladze first-time flick had been pushed out by goalkeeper Sebastian Frey.

一大批弗雷家的骑士和武装人员紧随其后,其中席恩认识的有大瓦德,那个小个子的狐狸脸的瘦棍。A dozen Frey knights and men-at-arms entered behind him. One was a boy Theon knew—Big Walder, the little one, fox-faced and skinny as a stick.

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的确,佛雷与莫瑞斯已经利用这种技术证实,突触强化蛋白质会影响任何一个暂时受到强化的突触。Indeed, Frey and Morris had used this technique to show that synapse-strengthening proteins would affect any temporarily strengthened synapse.

老鹰乐队成员生活就很刺激。实际上,该乐队创始人格伦·弗雷和唐·亨利就就此合写了一首歌。Members of the rock band the Eagles lived in the fast lane. In fact, the group's founders, Glenn Frey and Don Henley, co-wrote a song about it.

对目前盛传的A米以前锋吉拉迪诺交换弗雷的传闻,吉拉迪诺的经纪人大泼冷水。The agent of Alberto Gilardino has poured cold water on the prospect of the AC Milan striker moving to Fiorentina in a swap for Sebastien Frey.