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我们需要一个新沈积器。We need a new depositor.

我行存款人的数量每天都在增长。The number of our depositor is growing every day.

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那就要一张以储户名字开立的定期存单。You'll have a deposit certificate in the name of the depositor.

把钱存入银行的任何个人或组识都叫存户。Any person or organization that keeps money in a band is a depositor.

15存款人兑现支票时,银行的存款和库存现金都会减少。When a depositor cashes a check, both deposits and vault cash reservesdecline.

储户有意确信地介词放置在那个位置。The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose.

储户有意确信地介词放寘在那个位寘。?。The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on intention.

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通常是七天前通知银行,存款人才有权力提取存款。usually seven days before the depositor has a right to make a withdrawal .In normal practice

存款金额由储户自定,分期支取本息。The deposit amount is set by the depositor and the accrued interests are paid by installment.

存款人以单位名称开立的银行结算账户为单位银行结算账户。A settlement account opened by the depositor in the name of an entity is an entity settlement account.

寄存人未声明的物品毁损、丢失后保管人不予赔偿。Custodians will not compensate the valuables without the declaration of the depositor if damaging or losing.

如果对交存人的声明有争议,应根据适用的法律确定举证责任。If the allegation of the depositor is contested, the burden of proof shall be governed by the applicable law.

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在存户要求时,本银行可全权决定会否在存款到期日前付还部分或全部存款。At the request of the depositor the Bank may at its discretion repay some or all deposits before the due date.

但是,有储户认为他把钱交给了银行家后,银行家就可以为所欲为了,有这样的储户吗?But was there ever a depositor who thought he was turning his money over to the banker so he could "do as he pleases" with it?

时间银行主要是一种以个人为基础的时间交换,存借双方经过配对,实现互助。The Time banking is primarily based on personal time exchange. The two sides, depositor and borrower, are matched to help each other.

市民曹女士上周去银行存了300元到个人账户上,令她吃惊的是,银行竟然要向她收取了6元的"点钞费"。A depositor surnamed Cao went to a bank last week to deposit RMB300. To her astonishment, the bank charged her 6RMB as a "counting fee."

质押期间,未经贷款人同意,存款行不得受理存款人提出的挂失申请。During the period of pledge, without the consent of the loaner, the deposit bank may not accept the report of loss filed by the depositor.

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开立零存整取定期储蓄存款账户时,储户可凭其身份证或其他有效身份证件。In opening an account of time deposit of small savings for lump-sum withdrawal, the depositor shall present his or her ID card or other valid credentials.

如果我是一个未获得担保、期限较短的存款者,而银行业体系也没有得到明确的保障,在此刻我的担忧可能会更多、而非更少。If I'm an unsecured shorter-term depositor with the banking system that isn't clearly insured, I've probably got more rather than less worries at this point.

任一重新保存均应附具有交存人签字的文件,声明重新提交保存的微生物与原来保存的微生物相同。Any new deposit shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the depositor alleging that the newly deposited microorganism is the same as that originally deposited.