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我感觉心头一痛,继续往前走。I felt a pang and moved on.

一阵恐惧猛地袭上了我的心头。A pang of fear shot through my heart.

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后天应不老,何必羡彭年。Acquired shall not old, why envy Pang.

彭日成是保盛丰的首席执行长。Pang is the chief executive of PEMGroup.

我感觉到一种内疚的悲痛,不想让老爸扫兴。I felt a guilty pang about ticking him off.

魏国大臣庞聪,将要陪魏太子到赵国去作人质。A minister, Pang Cong, was to accompany him.

他们与彭日成对峙,但彭日成否认偷窃。They confronted Mr. Pang and he denied stealing.

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航空毋舰编队为什么这么庞人昵?Aviation don't ship formation why such Pang Renni?

你好,我是庞博宇。我有一个非常快乐的家庭。Hello, I'm Pang Bo Yu. I have a very happy family.

她的话在玛丽心里引起了一阵特殊的心酸。Her words shot a strange pang through Marys heart.

但是他的心情沉重,想念着珂赛特。Only, he thought of Cosette with a pang at his heart.

庞德取箭,关羽躲闪不及中箭,回营养伤。Pang shot an arrow at Guan who was unable to dodge it.

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他也有了自己的庞妃,不再与她吵来吵去。He also had his Pang Fei, not with her quarrel quarrel.

在苦难中怨天尤人永远不会给别人带来任何益处。The whining, murmuring pang never does anybody any good.

在你日渐放弃自己的时候,我仍然冷得庞然。When you have give up on yourself, I still cold Pang ran.

事实上有一个时刻马切尔感到极度悲痛。There came in fact a moment when Marcher felt a positive pang.

两家公司的经营者都称,彭日成是一位精明的金融家。Executives at both firms praised Mr. Pang as a savvy financier.

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这么想着,起初他还挺得意的,可随后就突感一阵恐惧。He thought of this at first with joy and then with a pang of fear.

逄锦华觉得“斜杠”职业就是这种转型的最佳证明。Pang argues that "slash" careers are the best proof of that shift.

针对不同的功能区,逄勇提出了不同的对策。For different functional areas, Pang Yong gave a different response.