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他嘀嘀咕咕轻声说话。He spoke in a mutter.

我们都听到你念道那兽人的事,他说。We both heard you mutter about the orc, he said.

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“对不起,”我咕哝着说,“我得把假装的这一套做完了事。”"Excuse me," I mutter. "I have to get this sham over with.

演员背台词的时候经常自己嘀嘀咕咕。Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines.

容德雷特觑个空,对着他大女儿的耳朵抱怨Jondrette found time to mutter in the ear of his eldest daughter

萨拉一边洗碗碟一边独自咕哝个没完。Mutter Sarah was muttering away to herself as she did the washing-up.

快到傍晚的时候,他一自己站在窗口向外挥手,口中似乎还念念有词。Toward evening, he stood a man waving out the window, mouth seems to mutter prayers.

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一些毛派分子甚至无情地嚷嚷着要甩开2006年签署的和平协议,不再按照约定结束十年动乱。Some Maoists mutter grimly about ditching the peace deal that in 2006 ended their ten-year insurgency.

历史课本上说,几个日本兵押着上千名中国人,却没人敢反抗。History books say that a few Japanese soldiers can escort over a thousand Chinese, who dared not mutter a word.

如果我来看看这个笛卡尔,哦,我还没有笛卡尔形式,当我自言自语的时候,请大家别介意。If I look at the Cartesian, oh, I did have the Cartesian form, don't mind me while I mutter to myself here quietly.

因此,这些西伯利亚的“流氓无产者”们在嘟囔着种族口号时,也因为靠近中国龙而从中受益。So even as they mutter racist slogans, members of Siberia's Lumpenproletariat benefit from proximity to the dragon.

在我的梦中,我再度听到枪枝的撞击声,步枪的响声,战场上奇异而悲伤的低语。In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

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在我梦里,我又听见了枪的碎裂声、步枪扫射的嘎嘎声及既奇怪又悲伤的战场呢喃声。In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

我在梦幻中依稀又听到了滑膛枪在鸣放,又听到了战场上那陌生、哀愁的呻吟。In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry , the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

在我的梦境里,又听到劈啪的枪炮声,咯咯的步枪射击声,战场上古怪而悲伤的低语声。In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry , the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

离异父亲提供他们的慰问和内疚地咕哝着,作为一个继母是“世界上最吃力不讨好”。Divorced dads offer their condolences and mutter guiltily that being a stepmother is "the most thankless task in the world".

我从外面看到他正在向我们的上帝祈祷,听到他在咕哝的说着让他恢复最后的力量之类的话。I was outside I saw him praying to our God, the only living God. I heard him mutter something about giving him the last strength.

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毫无疑问,在汽车爱好者眼中,粗枝大叶的美国汽车在奉行完美主义的德国妥富勒的独具匠心的设计面前应该甘拜下风。Surely slapdash American engineering will be put to shame by the inventive perfectionism of the German Tüftler, car folk mutter.

这张图片来自费城穆特博物馆的收藏,展示一位无肢畸形的小姑娘,这一种疾病的特点是四肢未充分发育。This image, from a collection at Philadelphia's Mutter Museum, shows a young girl with amelia, a condition marked by undeveloped limbs.

土豪劣绅,不法地主,则完全被剥夺了发言权,没有人敢说半个不字。The local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have been deprived of all right to speak, and none of them dares even mutter dissent.