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我是孙思思,这是我的故事。Hi, I'm sss and this is my story.

我是孙思思,这是我的故事。Hi, I'm sss and this is my story, Hi.

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我想买你全部的cd,sss这个系列的,1994年到2004年。请问一次性打包全买了有优惠吗?给个最低价。I would like to buy all of your CDs, the sss series, from the year 1994 to 2004.

我们怎样才能利用SSS的数据来改善气候模式以及厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜的预报呢?How can we use SSS data to improve climate models? El Nino and La Nina forecasts?

方法对31例SSS的超声表现进行回顾性分析。Method Ultrasonographic appearances of SSS in 31 patients were analyzed retrospectively.

结论CDU是评价SSS及内支架置放术后随访的一种有价值方法。Conclusions CDU may be a valuable method in diagnosing SSS and following up stent placement.

蔗糖合成酶、磷酸蔗糖合成酶、ADPG焦磷酸化酶和淀粉合成酶都是淀粉合成的关键酶。The results show that SS, SPS, ADPGPPase and SSS are key enzymes that affect the synthesis rate of starch.

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重点说明了转速、瞬时扭矩和SSS离合器中间件位移的测量系统。And the measurement system of speed, instantaneous torque and SSS clutch displacement signal are discussed.

本文从中西医两个角度对病态窦房结综合征的研究现状作了综述。The thesis summarizes present situation study about SSS from modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

方法对66例符合乳腺癌诊断的患者进行入院后疾病不确定感和社会支持的测量。Methods 66 breast cancer patients participated in the study and were investigated with MUIS and SSS after admission.

因此,直接经皮穿刺窦内摄影才可见颅骨膜窦与颅内上矢状窦直接相交通。Direct percutaneous sinography well delineated the direct communication between the extracranial venous sac and the SSS.

结论上矢状窦穿刺注射CAP联合双侧颈外静脉结扎制备急性脑静脉闭塞动物模型的方法是可行的。Conclusion Modeling of injection of CAP solution into SSS and ligation of both external jugular veins in cats is feasible.

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感染-炎症性病变诱发上矢状窦血栓包括副鼻窦炎、乳突炎、创伤和结节病。Examples of infectious-inflammatory states predisposing to SSS thrombosis are sinusitis, mastoiditis, trauma, and sarcoidosis.

灵川软件是一家提供咨询及外包服务的全球性公司,是由两位投资银行家在90年代初建立,总部设在英国利物浦。SSS is a global IT outsourcing company. It was founded in the early 1990's by 2 ex-Investment Bankers and is headquartered in Liverpool UK.

位于上矢状窦及其他颅内静脉结构内的血栓可以导致大脑静脉梗塞、出血和脑积水。Thrombus occurring within the SSS and other intracranial venous structures may lead to cerebral venous infarction, hemorrhage, and hydrocephalus.

本文还叙述了SSS钢在制成紧固环,钢笔帽,内六角螺丝,金属软管以及皮下注射针工艺中的应用。Also, the processes by which SSS is made into circlip pen-caps, blind rivets, inner-hexagon screws, hosepipes and hypodermic needles are described.

结论SSS分别由10项、80项和95项组成3种版本,可以分别用于临床初步筛查、严重度判断和国际比较。Conclusions 3 SSS version form include 10, 80 and 95 items, can be used clinical screening, severity judgment and international comparison respectively.

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结论冠状动脉造影有助于病态窦房结综合征患者的病因诊断,但冠心病并非本组病态窦房结综合征的主要病因。Conclusion Coronary arteriography is helpful to etiological diagnosis of patients with SSS but coronary heart disease is not the main cause of SSS in this group.

半刚性SSS离合器设计接受小角和轴向拓展相邻的机轴运动补偿热增长的需求。The semi-rigid SSS Clutch design accepts small angular and axial expansion movements of the adjacent machine shafts to compensate for thermal growth requirements.

祖国医学则根据病态窦房结综合征的临床表现归属于“胸痹”“心悸怔忡”“虚劳”“迟脉症”等范畴。In traditional Chinese medicine, SSS belongs to " obstruction of qi in the chest" , "heart-throb" , "continuous palpitation" , "asthenic disease" , "infrequent pulse".