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我们可以将中国才“西化”。We might try to "westernize" some Chinese dishes.

现代化不等于西化或欧化,现代化道路并非只有一条。Modernization is equal to westernize or Europeanize, modern road is not have only.

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现在我知道西方国家有一个普遍的假设随着国家的现代化,它们也会西方化。Now I know it’s a widespread assumption in the West that as countries modernize, they also Westernize.

现代化就是西方化,西方道路就是全世界所走的道路,中国只有全盘西化才能走向现代化。It is assumed that modernization is to westernize and the western approach is the only one that the globe should follow.

而一旦面对加来,你不仅可以看到大片的美景,而且几乎会被一个欧化社区的雅致与繁荣所迷倒。Once face Calais , you can see not only the beauty of large, and almost be a Westernize communities elegant and prosperity Company.

90年代,国际敌对势力加紧利用宗教问题对我国实行“西化”和“分化”。In 1990s′, the international hostile force has accelerated its steps to use religionary issues to "westernize" and "decompound" our country.

中国当代艺术的全盘西化随着经济领域在制度和速度上的颠覆性扩张已经成为不可阻挡的潮流与现状。The whole sales westernize of the Chinese contemporary art has become overwhelmed with the economic expansion overturn both in system and speed.

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她缺乏自信,闵京的妈妈说,我希望通过外科整形将她的眼睛变得更西化一些之后,能解决这个问题。She lacks confidence, explains Min-kyong's mother, a problem she hopes will be solved when her pre-teen undergoes plastic surgery, to westernize her eyes.

因而一味反对的普及只能使对外开放的大门关闭,而全盘西化则会导致中国文化身份的失却。So stubbornly opposed to the popularity of English will only close the door opening to the outside world, and the overall westernize China will lead to the loss of cultural identity.

因而一味反对英语的普及只能使对外开放的大门关闭,而全盘西化则会导致中国文化身份的失却。So stubbornly opposed to the popularity of English will only close the door opening to the outside world, and the overall westernize China will lead to the loss of cultural identity.

冷战结束以来,国际敌对势力一直把“人权”问题作为对中国进行西化、分化的一个战略武器,人权问题成为中国外交斗争的一个焦点。Taken by some foreign forces as a strategic weapon to "westernize and disintegrate" the PRC since the end of the cold war, human rights has become a focus in China's foreign relations.