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由不诚实的手段带来的利益最后都会引来麻烦事。Profit made dishonestly always brings trouble.

靠奸诈所获得的财富总是会带来麻烦,一直会。Profit made dishonestly always brings trouble. Always.

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他不诚实地把那份合同交给了自己最好的朋友。He acted dishonestly when he gave the contract to his best friend.

词典的定义是,为了自己的一己私利而采用不诚实的手段。" The dictionary defines it as "dealing dishonestly for one's own gain.

他在支票上伪造他弟弟的签名以不法手段得到钱财。He got the money dishonestly , by forging his brother's signature on a check.

他在支票上假冒他弟弟的签名以不法手段获得钱财。He got the money dishonestly , by forging his brother's signature on a cheque.

在我们饭店一定不能出现慢待客人的现象。Waitresses in our restaurant never treat guests discourteously or dishonestly.

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如果我们的员工了解到我们存在不诚实的作为,他们也就会成为贼。If my employees know we are acting dishonestly , they will eventually become thieves.

因为行非义之事的人都是耶和华你神所憎恶的。For the LORD your God detests anyone who does these things, anyone who deals dishonestly.

此外,他们还进行了一些实验,旨在诱使诚实的人做出一些不太诚实的行为。They also conducted experiments in which they induced the honest to behave more dishonestly.

几个月以前,我遇到一个客户,在与他交往中,我感到自己受到了不公正和不诚实的对待。Some months ago, I had an encounter with a client in which I felt treated unfairly and dishonestly.

贪污意思是不诚实地使用你的地位或权力,以获得你自己的利益,特别是为了金钱。Corruption means dishonestly using your position or power to your own advantage, especially for money.

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他在支票上伪造他哥哥的签名,以不正当手段得到了这笔钱,但是却被媒体曝了光。He got the money dishonestly , by forging his brother's signature on a check, which was exposed by the media.

谎言,欺骗,不诚实地行事对你的破坏力比对别人大得多,这削弱你的人格力量。Lying, cheating, or acting dishonestly will do more damage to you than to others, diminishing you as a human being.

本研究证明了人们通过不诚实行为获利,但通过诚实行为欺骗自己是诚实的人。This research shows that people behave dishonestly enough to profit but honestly enough to delude themselves of their own integrity.

在这儿,你被积极鼓励去指责你的邻里不缴纳道路税或不早早地把垃圾桶放在外面或虚假索赔。Here, you're actively encouraged to denounce your neighbour, for not paying road tax or putting a bin out early or dishonestly claiming a benefit.

如果你想上帝庇佑你的财产,你就必须保持诚实公正。你不能有任何的欺骗。由不诚实的手段带来的利益最后都会引来麻烦事。而且一定会!If you want God's blessing on your finances, you've got to be honest. You can't rip people off. Profit made dishonestly always brings trouble. Always.

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警务督察王德璋说,该判决警告市民,不诚实使用计算机是一个严重的犯罪。Chief Inspector of Police Kenny Wong Tak-cheung said the judgment served as a warning to the public that it is a serious offense to use a computer dishonestly.

这是一句他常用来贬损故障车的话,可回溯到1970年代晚期他做二手车经销商的时候,暗指被动过手脚的里程表。Which he used to disparage defective vehicles, dates back to his time as a second-hand car dealer in the late 1970s, and suggests a dishonestly adjusted mileometer.

受调查者首先观看一段由演员演示各种情况的录像,然后决定录像中每个情况中演员所演示的行为是否属于不诚实行为,如果是的话,罪行是否严重到足以定罪。Participants watched videos of actors describing scenarios and then decided whether they had behaved dishonestly and whether the offence was serious enough for a conviction.