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他们以为我是外行。They think I am a greenhorn.

在这行,我是个生手。I am a greenhorn in this field.

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他是生手,需要我们的帮助。As a greenhorn , he needs our help.

不要占那新手的便宜吧。Don't take advantage of the greenhorn.

没有什么比看一位没经验的新手表演更滑稽了。There's nothing funnier than watching a greenhorn in action.

在100多年前的美国西部,greenhorn是个非常流行的表达。About 100 years ago, greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west.

这类人缺乏在这片艰难、崎岖的土地上生活所需的技能。The greenhorn lacked the skills he would need to live in the hard, rough country.

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大约一百年前,greenhorn在美国西部是一个常用的表达。About one hundred years ago, greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west.

约百年前,新手是在美国西部流行的表达。About one hundred years ago, greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west.

例如,一个新手是豁达的人谁没有,谁是新的一种局面。For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no expereince, who is new to a situation.

比如说,“绿牛角”是指一个初来乍到,没有经验的人。For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation.

这个生手迫不及待的跑回家,向妻子和孩子展示这枚驴蛋。Well, the greenhorn ran all the way home and showed the mule egg to his wife and kiddies.

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一个世纪左右之后,greenhorn是指尚未有任何战斗经验的士兵。A century or so later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in battle.

在15世纪,一个新手是个年轻的牛或牛的尚未开发的号角。In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns had not yet developed.

直到18世纪,“绿色的角”就有了今天这种意思,它是指工作上的新手。By the 18th century, a "greenhorn" had the meaning it has today — a person who is new in a job.

欣喜若狂的牛角在娜乌的坟前以利刃穿心,随娜乌而去。The naga uzziah was ecstatic greenhorn grave to wear heart, with sharp Sabina udinese but go to.

于是,这失望万分的一家眼睁睁的看着这个生手把椰子拿出房门,抛入了灌木丛。As the disappointed family watched, the greenhorn took the coconut outside and pitched it into the bushes.

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作为没经验的、手生的总司令,他别无选择唯有先握紧他还未松开的拳头。As the untried , greenhorn commander-in-chief, perhaps he had no choice but to clench his previously unclenched fist.

现在毫无争议的是张是辅佐之臣而金正日涉世不深的小儿子金正云确是迟来的的“皇太子”。Now ubiquitous, Jang is the caretaker-mentor while Kim's greenhorn youngest son, Kim Jong-un, is belatedly groomed as dauphin.

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