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约翰,你喜欢玉米片吗?John, do you like cornflakes?

他早餐喜欢吃玉米片。He likes cornflakes for breakfast.

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尝尝玉米片和坚果。Taste the cornflakes and the nuts.

早餐我只吃了玉米麦片。For breakfast I just ate cornflakes.

我早餐有牛奶和糖的玉米片。I had cornflakes with milk and sugar for breakfast.

他剁碎了一只香蕉,要放在女孩儿们的脆玉米片上。He chopped a banana, to put on top of the girls’ cornflakes.

孩子们似乎对玉米片做早餐不感兴趣了。The children seem to have gone off cornflakes for breakfast.

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这真是奇迹,女王在吃玉米片早餐时没有呛到。It's a wonder, really, the Queen didn't choke on her Cornflakes.

半个柚子、脆玉米片、一个煎蛋和两片吐司面包。A half grapefruit, cornflakes , one fried egg and two pieces of toast.

所以我就吃了我自己的大豆酸奶脆玉米片喝了一杯柳橙汁。So I had my cornflakes with my own soy yoghurt and a glass of orange juice.

只不过你吃肉所消耗的玉米要远远多于你直接吃一盒玉米片所消耗的。Far more corn goes into the meat you're eating than into a box of cornflakes.

第二天他们的早餐是发霉的玉米片,冷的罐头马铃薯夹吐司。They ate stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast for breakfast the next day.

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请问您喜欢什么谷物?我们有粟米片、脆米、全麦维和甜麦圈。What cereals would you like to have? Cornflakes , rice crisps, all bran or sweet crisps?

把全麦粟米片放于大碟上,将脱脂乳酪倒进另一大碟子上,备用。Spread the wholegrain cornflakes onto a large plate. Pour the yoghurt onto another large plate.

可能某一个盛玉米片的盒子背面,最先出现他的传说,然后开始流传。Perhaps his legend turned up on the back of some Middle-Ages cornflakes box and grew from there.

筛入面粉混合,然后加入玉米片和果肉,拌至完全均匀。Sift the flour mixture into the butter. Then add the cornflakes and mixed candied fruit and mix well.

多吃些脆玉米片吧,女性朋友您就可以避免生理期所带来的不适,它可缓解情沮丧、焦虑和疲劳。Women can ward off the effects of PMS with cornflakes , which help reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue.

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教孩子拿著「鲜果串串」的两端,先把果串蘸上乳酪,然后再蘸上粟米片,即成。Teach the children hold the kebab at the ends and roll it in the yoghurt, then in the wholegrain cornflakes. Ready to serve.

1906年由认真的玉米彩票检查“以利亚的曼纳”延续,随后再度命名为波斯特烤面包。These were followed in 1906 by "Elijah's Manna, " an earnest entry in the cornflakes sweepstakes, later rechristened Post Toasties.

挤在的家庭装的麦片和大包洗衣粉中,她的一个酸奶仿佛在说明这一切。Hemmed in between family-size cartons of cornflakes and giant packets of washing powder, her individual yoghurt seemed to say it all.