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基特韦赞比亚中北部靠近扎伊尔边境的城市。A city of north-central Zambia near the Zaire border.

埃博拉扎伊尔病毒杀夺取百分之九十的受感染者的生命。Ebola Zaire virus kills 90 per cent of the people it infects.

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基桑加尼,斯坦雷维尔扎伊尔北部一城市,位于刚果河边金沙萨东北。A city of northern Zaire on the Congo River northeast of Kinshasa.

1971年的10月27日,刚果民主共和国重命名为扎伊尔。October 27, 1971 , Democratic Republic of the Congo is renamed Zaire.

因此,把一条萨伊芳蓝六间带上水面就需要4至5天。For this reason it takes 4 to 5 days to bring a Blue Zaire to the surface.

黑漆从扎伊尔是使用了该公司的股票,与雕刻的象牙也被用于设计。Ebony from Zaire is used on the stock, and carved ivory is also used in the designs.

萨伊河也被称为刚果河,它是世界上最深的河。Zaire River is also called The Congo river and it is the deepest river in the world.

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调查开始在有艾滋病发生的卢旺达,扎伊尔和其他非洲国家展开。Investigations begin into the occurrence of AIDS in Rwanda, Zaire and other African nations

萨伊六间生活在最自然的状态下,因而也就保留着最好的捕食者的天性。The Zaire frontosa lives thus, the most naturally and also possesses the best predatorial characteristics.

赞比亚中北部靠近扎伊尔边境的城市。93'年作为铜矿中心建成。人口207,500。A city of north-central Zambia near the Zaire border. It was founded in 93' as a copper-mining center. Population, 207,500.

基特韦赞比亚中北部靠近扎伊尔边境的城市。1936年作为铜矿中心建成。人口207,500。A city of north-central Zambia near the Zaire border. It was founded in1936 as a copper-mining center. Population, 207, 500.

这架势很象电影胶片中的福尔曼,他在扎伊尔打破大个儿沙袋,是真的,有录像为证。This is like watching that footage of Foreman leaving a hole in the heavy bag in Zaire. No joke . We have video to prove it.

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恩多拉位于赞比亚中北部,卢萨卡北部,扎伊尔边界的一个城市,它在一个采铜区是一个商业和制造中心。人口,250,490。Lusaka on the border with Zaire. It is a commercial and manufacturing center in a copper-mining region. Population, 250, 490.

该工程还包括在卡宾达省、南宽扎省、罗安达省、纳米贝省、本格拉省、扎伊尔省更换新信号系统。The program includes replacing the signaling system in the provinces of Cabinda, Kwanza-Sul, Luanda, Namibe, Benguela and Zaire.

恩多拉位于赞比亚中北部,卢萨卡北部,扎伊尔边界的一个城市,它在一个采铜区是一个商业和制造中心。A city of north-central Zambia north of Lusaka on the border with Zaire. It is a commercial and manufacturing center in a copper-mining region.

基桑加尼,斯坦雷维尔扎伊尔北部一城市,位于刚果河边金沙萨东北。1883年由探险家亨利·M·斯坦利建立。人口282,650。A city of northern Zaire on the Congo River northeast of Kinshasa. It was founded in1883 by the explorer Henry M. Stanley. Population, 282, 650.

扎伊尔中南部一城市,位于金沙萨东南偏东。该市建于884年,现在为农业地区的贸易中心。人口290,898。A city of south-central Zaire east-southeast of Kinshasa. Founded in 884, it is the trade center of an agricultural region. Population, 290,898.

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刚果民主共和国一家法庭推翻了两位挪威人的死刑判决,这两位挪威人因谋杀他们的司机而获刑。A tribunal in Democratic Republic of Zaire has overturned the necrosis sentences passed aboard 2 Norwegians convicted of murdering their driver.

1975年5月19日的夜里,三位年轻的美国人和一位荷兰籍女性被游荡在坦噶尼喀湖附近的扎伊尔反叛军绑架了。On the night of May 19, 1975, three young Americans and a Dutch woman were kidnapped by rebel soldiers who had come across Lake Tanganyika from Zaire.

尽管关于非洲动物结核病的高质量数据很少,1950年到1970年之间在埃及、尼日利亚和扎伊尔进行的研究还是表明了牛结核病的存在。Although quantified data on animal TB in Africa is scarce, studies between 1950 and 1970 in Egypt, Nigeria and Zaire indicated the presence of bovine TB.