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他的农庄主人是来自首都比勒陀利亚的白人。The owner of his farm is a white man from Pretoria.

在他刚当选国防部长的时候,佩雷斯就秘密访问了比勒陀利亚。Early on his new role, Peres secretly visited Pretoria.

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晚宴前一天这群人已乘坐“蓝色列车”完成了比勒陀利亚-开普敦之旅。The group had taken a trip aboard the train from Pretoria to Cape Town the previous day.

他说,在南非的外国人到国际移民组织驻比勒陀利亚的办公室寻求帮助。He says foreigners have been coming to IOM's regional office in Pretoria asking for assistance.

不仅在在意大利也不,更具体地说,在蓝衣军团的培训基地在百夫长近的的比勒陀利亚。Not in Italy nor, more specifically, at the Azzurri's training base in Centurion near Pretoria.

成千上万南非人在比勒陀利亚联合大厦外的大草坪上观看了祖马的总统就职典礼。Thousands of South Africans watched the inauguration from the lawns of Union Buildings in Pretoria.

1967年在亨利•朱伯特的指导下获得了比勒陀利亚大学的音乐学士学位。He obtained his BMus degree from the University of Pretoria in 1967 under the guidance of Hennie Joubert.

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南非的约翰尼斯堡被认为是世界上发展最不平衡的城市,东伦敦、布隆方丹和比勒陀利亚紧随其后。Johannesburg was the least equal in the world, only marginally ahead of East London, Bloemfontein, and Pretoria.

美国国务卿克林顿星期二在比勒陀利亚会晤南非高级官员。U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is meeting with high-level South African officials in Pretoria Tuesday.

两年以前,西瓦的儿子意外身亡,“贝比专程从比勒陀利亚赶来看我,”他说。Two years ago, when van den Heever's son died unexpectedly, "Bheki came from Pretoria especially to see me, " he says.

选举秩序良好,没有报道有政治暴力或胁迫事件发生。Election passed off peacefully with no reports of political violence or intimidation. Peter Biles reports from Pretoria.

他说,茨万吉拉伊期望这一任命在让.平跟姆贝基星期五在比勒陀利亚会谈之后宣布。He says Tsvangirai expects this appointment to be announced following a meeting Friday between Ping and Mr. Mbeki in Pretoria.

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在Mthethwa表态的前一天,警方刚刚在比勒陀利亚城外击毙6名持枪攻击一辆运钞车的劫匪。Mthethwa's remarks came the day after police gunned down six armed robbers outside Pretoria as they attacked a cash transit van.

比勒陀利亚风光秀美,有”花园城”之称,街道两旁种植紫葳,又称”紫葳城”。Pretoria beautiful scenery, "Garden City" said Bignoniaceae planted on both sides of the street, also known as the "city of Bignoniaceae.

2009年12月,在比勒陀利亚比赛中,身穿索维托的凯泽酋长队队服的球迷们为球队的胜利欢呼。Decked out in their team's black-and-gold shirts, fans cheer on Soweto's Kaizer Chiefs soccer club during a December 2009 match in Pretoria.

南非已派遣400名士兵支持总统博齐泽,博齐泽周五返回比勒陀利亚,他在那里会见了总统雅各布·祖马。South Africa has sent 400 soldiers to support President Bozize who returned to Pretoria on Friday where he was meeting President Jacob Zuma.

去年12月,在比勒陀利亚比赛中,身穿索维托的凯泽酋长队队服的球迷们为球队的胜利欢呼。Decked out in their team's black-and-gold shirts, fans cheer on Soweto's Kaizer Chiefs soccer club during a December last year match in Pretoria.

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摩根·茨万基拉伊在南非首都比勒陀利亚召开紧急会议后做出了继续推动组建联合政府的决定。Morgan Tsvangirai's decision to push ahead with a unity government was made after an emergency summit held in the South African capital Pretoria.

农村的儿童正在使用双向卫星链路和动作传感白板来与比勒陀利亚的专门教师沟通。Children in rural areas are using a two-way satellite link and motion-sensitive white boards to interact with specialist teachers located in Pretoria.

以色列也开始充当中间人,向那些表面上拒绝和南非做生意的国家购买武器,再把武器交给南非。Israel also began to act as middleman, buying arms from countries that refused ostensibly to do business with Pretoria and passing them on to the regime.