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亚瑟是个好外野手,却有一只容易酸痛的手臂。Arthur is a good fielder but he's got a glassarm.

亚瑟是个好外野手,却有一只容易酸痛的手臂。Arthur is a good fielder but he's got a glass arm.

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击球员把球猛击向外场员。The batsman slammed the ball straight at a fielder.

那个球被正站在边界内的守场员接住了。The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.

控球后卫是全队战术配合的组织者,战术方案的实施者。Organizing back fielder is the tactics organizer and actualized in a match.

达伦旅鼠是纽约帝国的冠军明星外野手。Darren Lemming is the star center fielder for the champion New York Empires.

中外野手大门表示,将爷爷解雇并不适合现在这个己经感到有点不舒服的球队。Center fielder Johnny Damon said that removing Torre would not fix what ails the club.

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击球手将来球击出外野,正好在左外野手和中外野手之间。The batter hits a fly ball to the outfield, right in between the left fielder and the center fielder.

二垒手小卡一共出现双响炮,左外野手酷斯拉敲出本季的第23发全垒打。Second baseman Robinson Cano homered twice, while left fielder Hideki Matsui hit his 23rd of the season.

在棒球运动中启用这最好的左撇子投手,还要把他变成右手接球者,这是我听到的最不明智的事情之一。Taking the best left-handed pitcher in baseball and converting him into a right fielder is one of the dumbest things I ever heard.

今年五月,洛杉矶道奇斯的中外场球员布雷特•巴特勒被诊断患有喉癌,他的肿瘤有梅子那么大。And this past May, throat cancer was diagnosed in Los Angeles Dodgers center fielder Brett Butler—he had a tumor the size of a plum.

德比夏尔现在是赫斯菲尔德特殊学校的一名小学生,他的喉咙中一直插着一根气管造口术呼吸管。Derby Xia now is Hess a Fielder Special educational institution elementary student, in his throat in-line trachea ostomy breather pipe.

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他表示有信心,维斯菲尔德伦敦店能经受住“这次低迷,下次低迷和下下次低迷”。He indicates has the confidence, the Vyse Fielder London Shop can undergo "this murkiness , next time murky and under next time murky".

阿民与松井今年也历经类似的受伤,且显示出球员正在想著到底出了什麽问题。Wang and Yankees left fielder Hideki Matsui have also experienced similar injuries this year, and it appears that players are wondering what the problem is.

在夏恩向第二垒狂奔时,场上的右野手已经捡到了球,他是他们队上个子最小的,现在,他有了第一次的机会成为队上的英雄。By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball . the smallest guy on their team who now had his first chance to be the hero for his team.

安德森从1988年至2001年在巴尔的摩金莺棒球队打球期间担任中场手,是该队的杰出球员之一,他将代表美国国务院首次出访。Anderson, a former center fielder for the Orioles and one of the team’s standout players during his 1988–2001 tenure in Baltimore, will be making his first trip on behalf of the department.

原本守备中外野的戴门说,「我不确定球赛中还有谁的强肩比他更出色,并不常有中外野手能这样阻止跑垒得分,牛奶的表现真是帅呆了。」Amazing, " said Damon, the erstwhile center fielder. "I'm not sure anybody has a better arm in the game. There are not too many center fielders who can stop a running game . He's been incredible.