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无错不可纠。No wrong without remedy.

内观就是这样的一个疗法。Vipassana is such a remedy.

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忍耐是俍药。Patience is the best remedy.

阿斯匹林可治头痛。Aspirin may remedy a headache.

有什么退热药吗?Is there any remedy for fever?

皮肤脱水了,要怎么补救?Skin dehydrate, how should remedy ?

这个舛误是无法转圜的。The mistake is further than remedy.

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在迪士尼待上一天可以解决一切。A day at Disney can remedy all that.

而对这罪恶什么药石都无灵。And for this sin there is no remedy.

弥补一些些心灵上的空虚。Remedy some inanition on soul a bit.

热疗是治感冒的最好方法。Warmth is the best remedy for colds.

医疗不可法,使病更糟糕。The remedy is worse dawn the disease.

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医疗不得法,使病更糟糕。The remedy is worse than the disease.

假使大人都能回答这个问题。Even children ca remedy this question.

伤风感冒没有灵丹妙药。There is no sovereign remedy for colds.

情况不妙,请电告补救方案。Matter turning worse advise what remedy.

是在这充满压力的世界中最妙的仙丹。It is the best remedy in a world of stress.

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茱莉亚用家居疗法医治自己。Julia medicated herself with a home remedy.

最常见的普通法上的救济是损害赔偿金.The most common of legal remedy is damages.

除了死亡,一切均可挽回。There is a remedy for everything but death.