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首张绕类日恒星运转的行星照片?First Picture of Alien Planet Orbiting Sunlike Star?

在此距离之内,一个像太阳这样的恒星可以通过大型望远镜观测到。At that distance, a sunlike star is visible through binoculars.

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白矮星是类似太阳的恒星在死亡后所留下恒久不变的残骸。A white dwarf is the inert remnant of what used to be a sunlike star.

目前为止,观测家只有在类似太阳的恒星周遭,发现木星质量大小的行星存在。Up to now, observers have seen only Jupiter-mass planets around sunlike stars.

但是作为水银,他溶解黄金,减少黄金太阳般的灿烂。But, as quicksilver, he dissolves the gold and extinguishes its sunlike brilliance.

该双星系统由两颗白矮星组成——所谓白矮星既是像太阳那样的恒星燃烧殆尽后遗留下来的核心。The binary star system consists of two white dwarfs—the burnt-out cores of sunlike stars.

预计于2007年发射的「克卜勒探测器」,将连续四年监视10万颗类似太阳的恒星。Scheduled for launch in 2007, the Kepler probe will monitor 100,000 sunlike stars over four years.

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这两个只有小行星大小的物体却内含了太阳一般的质量,轨道极小,自转极快。These asteroid-sized objects pack sunlike masses, extremely small orbits, and incredibly fast spins.

当类似太阳的恒星接连用光了它的氢燃料及氦燃料后,便转而燃烧自身的碳与氧。When a sunlike star exhausts its hydrogen fuel and then its helium, it turns to its carbon and oxygen.

在这项新研究中,天文学家曾使用HARPS去观察376颗象我们的家星系——太阳系一样恒星。For the new study, astronomers used HARPS to observe 376 sunlike stars in our home galaxy, the Milky Way.

到目前为止,堆积如山的证据都指向太阳般的恒星与棕矮星,具有极相似的婴儿期。So far, the mounting evidence all points to a remarkably similar infancy for both sunlike stars and brown dwarfs.

因为凤凰城计画,也只是在10亿颗星体中,扫描类太阳星体中的一、两颗。But then, Phoenix, for example, scanned just one or two nearby sunlike stars out of each 100 million stars out there.

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与新生类太阳恒星的环绕盘相比,白矮星的环绕盘小很多。The disks around white dwarfs are much smaller than the disks that give rise to planets around newborn sunlike stars.

我们刚刚宣布发现了它的第5颗行星,这也是第一颗有5颗行星围绕类太阳恒星运行的行星系统。And we are just now announcing the discovery of the fifth planet, the first planetary system with 5 full planets orbiting a sunlike star.

都是行星状星云,气体外壳都是由濒临死亡的恒星吹出,在物理大小上类似,涵盖大约一光年左右。Both are planetary nebulae, gaseous shrouds cast off by dying sunlike stars, and are similar in physical size, at a light-year or so across.

第一个例子是类太阳恒星飞马座51号,它的行星质量比木星还大,运行轨道半径则比水星的还小。The first example was the sunlike star 51 Pegasi, found to have a planet more massive than Jupiter on an orbit smaller than that of Mercury.

但是,如果有一颗类似地球的行星,同时被两个太阳照射,就像科幻小说里的那种场景,植物又会是什么样子呢?Plants on a planet with two sunlike stars could need protection against too much radiation—they might evolve their own UV-blocking sunscreens.

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现在,对曾经是类日恒星的白矮星所进行的观测表明,绝大部分的类日恒星至少曾经拥有一个岩石星球。Now observations of formerly sunlike stars called white dwarfs suggest that the overwhelming majority of them once harbored at least one rocky world.

我们现在要宣布的是发现了它的第五颗行星,这是除太阳系外,第一次发现恒星中拥有完整的五颗绕它运行的行星系统。And we're just now announcing the discovery of the fifth planet, the first planetary system with five full planets orbiting a sunlike star." Our solar system has eight planets.

多数像太阳一样的恒星,即使欠缺木星般的行星,仍旧具有漫天的尘埃残馀,微行星与行星胚胎存在其中,并可能汇聚成如地球般的行星。Most sunlike stars lack Jupiter-like planets, yet they still have dusty debris, indicating the presence of planetesimals and planetary embryos that could assemble into Earth-like worlds.