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卡西莫多的丑陋的怪相给读者留下深刻的印象。The ugly and monstrous face of Quasimodo leaves readers a deep impression.

弗洛里试图让加西莫多自由说话,然而加西莫多保持沉默。Frollo had tried to set Quasimodo 's tongue free, but Quasimodo made it silent.

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卡西莫多天生就是驼背,那张脸只有一个母亲才会喜欢。Quasimodo is born with a hunched back and a face that only a mother could love.

长大后的加西莫多善良聪明,但他却是个样貌奇丑面容可怖的驼子。Quasimodo was a wise and kindhearted guy, but he had an ugly face and a hunchback.

卡西莫多搬进了一座天主教堂的钟楼里,成了巴黎圣母院的敲钟驼背人。Quasimodo moves into the bell tower of a cathedral and becomes the hunchback of Notre Dame.

从卡西莫多第一次用他那畸形的眼睛看到那姑娘,这个可怜的驼子就疯狂地爱上了艾丝美拉达。From the first moment Quasimodo laid his misshapen eyes on her, the poor dope was madly in love with Esmeralda.

我们刚才说过,伽西莫多在埃及姑娘和副主教死去的那天就从教堂失踪了。We have just said that Quasimodo disappeared from Notre- Dame on the day of the gypsy's and of the archdeacon's death.

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爱斯梅拉达把自己打量了一番,发现自己仅穿着一件单薄的白衣裳,于是她转过身避开加西莫多。Esmeralda looked down at herself, and saw that she was wearing only a thin, white dress, she turned away from Quasimodo.

从主要人物卡西莫多和孚诺洛的分析中展示建筑艺术对文学的影响。In the parts of describes Quasimodo and Claude Frollo, Architecture arts help the novel to display characters and details vividly.

这道门的关闭,把那条还能深入到伽西莫多灵魂里去的唯一快乐与光明的亮光隔绝了,这个灵魂沦入了深深的黑夜。In closing, it had cut off the only ray of joy and of light which still made its way into the soul of Quasimodo. His soul fell into profound night.

夸西莫多最终以“他的感情丰富的诗歌——通过传统的炙热的方式表达了我们这个时代的悲剧遭遇”而获得提名。Quasimodo was eventually named winner, for "his lyrical poetry, which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times".

看完后我的心情觉得很沉重,因为里面善良并且美丽的女主角死了,虽然外貌丑陋但心地好的卡西莫多也死了。After reading I have a heavy heart, because inside the good and the beautiful heroine is dead, although the appearance of ugly but kind -hearted good Quasimodo died.

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他记得某个傍晚曾经看见那敲钟人温柔地望着那跳舞的姑娘,他寻思是什么动机促使伽西莫多去救她。He often saw herself with her goat, sometimes with Quasimodo. He remarked the little attentions of the ugly deaf man, his obedience, his delicate and submissive ways with the gypsy.

那天傍晚,当主教的司法执事们到巴尔维广场来收拾副主教那摔坏的尸体的时候,伽西莫多从圣母院失踪了。Towards evening on that day, when the judiciary officers of the bishop came to pick up from the pavement of the Parvis the dislocated corpse of the archdeacon, Quasimodo had disappeared.

卡西莫多救了她,在那之后事情发生了一百八十度的大转变,这个畸形的怪物居然可以自由出现在公共场所,没有人再指指点点,也没有人再对这个上帝扭曲的作品挥起拳头。Quasimodo rescues her and, after that, the twisted, malformed freak is able to freely go out in public without people pointing and shaking their fists at the sky in reaction to God's twisted design.