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前提就是人格不会分裂。Provided there's no splitting.

提供了一种蠕动泵。A peristaltic pump is provided.

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他们为贫困者提供食物。They provided food for the poor.

利用所配置的提升凸耳。Use lifting lugs where provided.

由分包商提供。As provided by the Sub-contractor.

他们提供超量的数据。They provided an overload of data.

词汇表有编者提供。Glossary is provided by the editor.

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“一切都是它供给的,”他说。"It provided everything, " he says.

法律另有规定的除外。Except as otherwise provided by law.

那角色只有美国才能提供”。That can only be provided by the US.

他们为客人提供美味食品。They provided their guests dainties.

你的资料量多质差。Food was provided in varying amounts.

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提供了分离的多核苷酸。Isolated polynucleotides are provided.

更多细节将通过提供港口及航运局。More details will be provided via PMB.

只要你做完工作就可以走了。You may go, provided your work is done.

对干涉图像进行预处理。Provided pretreatment to interferograms.

教会的收入来自世俗事务。Temporals provided the church's revenue.

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这就是你们得到的语境。Thats what you got provided the context.

而水则是由我们基金会所提供。The water is provided by our Foundation.

谁提供修改9100的输入?Who provided input to the 9100 revision?