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我不想坐又旧又烂的「铜罐仔」车!I don't want to ride in an old beat-up clunker !

我在那老破车上装上跟踪器了。而且,我敢说那房子里料更多。走。I put a tracker on that clunker. Plus, I'm betting there's more secrets inside the house. Come on.

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谢谢你让我用你的电脑。我的电脑最近老出毛病,真气人!Heheh, don't mention it. You know, you ought to get a new computer to replace that old clunker of yours.

虽然通用在活动中的总销售量仅次于丰田,位居第二,但通用和克莱斯勒没有一款车型挤进畅销车十强Not a single model from G.M. or Chrysler made the top 10 list, although G.M. came in second in overall clunker sales.

希尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼领导的糟糕政府就像依然在行驶中的疲劳司机外加吵闹的乘客。SILVIO BERLUSCONI'S clunker of a government, its harassed driver and his squabbling passengers are still on the road.

白宫曾称,本周参议院行动必须与时间表相符,否则该计划或被停止.The White House has said the timetable for Senate action this week would have to be met or the "clunker" program would cease.

尽管涉及的汽车量不多,但此次活动对降低燃油消费量具有一定的推动作用。Over all, the clunker program will have an impact on lowering fuel consumption, albeit a small one given the number of vehicles involved.

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切斯利又高又瘦,肩膀有点塌,他夜间观测天体,上午11点左右开着那破旧不堪的车去上班,晚上工作到深夜。Tall and lanky with sloped shoulders, he works meteor-shower hours, driving his clunker to work around 11 a.m. and staying late into the night.

即使没有“旧车换现金”计划的推动,制造业近来也一直是美国经济中为数不多的亮点之一,也是那些最乐观经济预测的重要依据之一。Even without the clunker boost, manufacturing has been one of the economy's few bright spots recently and a key to most optimistic economic forecasts.

现代汽车早先的旧车回扣口号,和担保计划与油价补贴计划一起,给了营销商更精彩和更丰富的故事去讲,“他说到。Hyundai's messages of the early clunker rebates, along with Assurance and the Gas Lock programs, gave the marketer "a better and richer story to tell, " he said.

我们认为正是该计划的成功拉升了指数."We think the success of the clunker program is now lifting the index," said Ian Shepherdson, chief U.S. economist at High Frequency Economics in Valhalla, New York.

两年前投资者对吉林敖东医药工业集团或辽宁成大这两个国有老企业的公开交易股票根本不感兴趣。Two years ago investors had no use for Jilin Aodong Medicine Industry Group or the Liaoning Cheng Da Co., two of the many clunker state-owned companies with publicly traded shares.

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很可能我们不能拥有一个像样的手机浏览体验,我们必定不可能享用像Pandora或Skype这样的第三方应用。Chances are we still wouldn’t have a decent browsing experience on the phone, and we certainly wouldn’t be enjoying third party apps like Pandora or Skype on whatever clunker the carriers handed us.