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这指的是另一弱点。This points to another vulnerability.

总有这样或那样的危机场面There's always this sense of vulnerability.

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阳者刚强,阴者柔弱。Those who are strong, Yin and Yang vulnerability.

据此给出了易损性评价公式。So we get the formula of vulnerability assessment.

这种脆弱性将妨碍互联网经济的发展。This vulnerability could stymie the Internet economy.

我要再次强调全世界脆弱性的概念。I want to reemphasize the notion of universal vulnerability.

仰头,用最完美的弧度掩饰自己的脆弱。Look up, with the most perfect radian hide your vulnerability.

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右侧身体如何得到保护呢What are you going to do about the vulnerability on this side?

支撑日本股价的动力有着其特有的弱点。Japan has a unique vulnerability to negative stock-price momentum.

Web漏洞扫描器能帮助我们修补漏洞吗?Can web vulnerability scanners help you remediate the vulnerability?

松嫩盆地是一个生态环境脆弱地区。Songnen basin is a vulnerability area ecological environment geology.

但是这类攻击,以及它所利用的缺陷,都极其常见。But the attack, and the vulnerability it exploits, are all too common.

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不过朱夏莲又指出,这本身就是一种弱点。Then again, Ms. Chu notes that that is itself a form of vulnerability.

最后两个问题阐明了这个国家面对灾难时的弱点。Two final problems illuminate the nation's vulnerability to disasters.

当巴丽斯和阿索卡在一起的时候,她的弱点和求知欲就冒了出来。When Barriss is with Ahsoka, her vulnerability and curiosity come out.

但是,我们无法列出有关弱点的所有变体情况。We will not, however, be able to list all variants of the vulnerability.

人可利用脆弱性对系统进行罪恶的攻击。A human who exploits a vulnerability perpetrates an attack on the system.

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在此漏洞被宣示之后,HTC开始着手发布修补程序。Having the vulnerability been announced HTC commenced to release hotfixes.

这第二个因素让我们接近得到一个有用的对于漏洞的定义。This second factor brings us toward a useful defini­tion of vulnerability.

海德说,贫困是妇女容易受到艾滋病侵害的一个重要因素。Poverty is a major factor in women's vulnerability to disease, Haider said.