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避免热水浸浴和蒸汽浴。Avoid hot tubs and steamy baths.

他们在一间潮湿闷热的房间里等着吃午饭。They are waiting for their lunch in some steamy haus.

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重庆人爱他们的火锅,尤其是当天气是潮湿的。Chongqing people love their hotpot, especially when the weather is steamy.

不光是水气弥漫的热带雨林,脆弱的珊瑚礁,摄影机也在召唤着他。Steamy rainforests and fragile coral reefs beckon, but so does his desk top.

一个炎热的下午,他们跑到手机服务中心躲躲日头。On one steamy afternoon they were taking refuge in a cellphone service center.

来自空军的客人们聚集在这个像蒸笼的体育馆,主要是想看到一场热火队上演的秀。Guests from the Air Force packed the steamy gym hoping to see the Heat put on a show.

和你的伴侣一起看看活色生香的电影可以增加你们上床的把握。Watching steamy movies with your partner will increase the chance that you will have sex.

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之前,贝卢斯科尼向妻子谎称是去该地出席某个会议,他否认与莱蒂齐亚存在任何“不正当关系”。Berlusconi, who had told his wife he going to a conference, has denied any "steamy affair."

这些激吻、爱抚和性感氛围设置物将会让他觉得是世界上最幸运的男人。These kisses, caresses and steamy mood setters will make him feel like the luckiest man alive.

我们大多数人,如果坦诚相见的话,都会承认,自己曾经梦见和一位或两位同事有过床笫之欢。Most of us, if we're honest, will admit to having a steamy dream or two about a work colleague.

根据最近的一个研究发现,湿润的地球赤道在7亿1千6百万年前是被冰层覆盖。Earth's now steamy Equator was covered with ice 716 million years ago, according to a new study.

4700万年以前,那里是一个火山湖,四周环绕着一片水雾蒙蒙的亚热带森林。Forty-seven million years ago it was a volcanic lake surrounded by a steamy sub-tropical forest.

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我想,跟一个幻想和他老师有故事的家伙同班是死不了人的。I guess it can't hurt to share a grade with a guy who's having a steamy affair with the teacher.

但事实是政府2.0像是午后蒸汽上的蜂蜜,黏糊糊一团糟。But the truth on the ground is that Government 2.0 is gummed up like molasses on a steamy afternoon.

上月,一对印度情侣因互发暧昧短信被判处三个月监禁。Last month an Indian couple was sentenced to three months in jail for exchanging steamy text messages.

她俯身向前,透过布满水汽的车窗望着外面已经漫天飞舞的大雪。She leaned forward, looking through the car's steamy windows at the snow outside, now falling heavily.

而蜜月新婚夜的戏份早已在去年年底拍摄完成。The steamy honeymoon scenes were filmed late last year when Bella and Edward consummate their marriage

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唐纳德劳伦斯风格,埃万德罗索尔达蒂加入演员莱斯利比布的潮湿洛杉矶惊悚片。Styled by Donald Lawrence, Evandro Soldati joins actress Leslie Bibb for a steamy Los Angeles thriller.

好多人啊,100多个人,算上我和我的朋友,也才有4个印度人。It's steamy hot. There are over 100 people — and sure enough, my friends and I are the only four Indians.

并且所有人在热天跑步跑得热乎乎的时候喝下冷水都会觉得比较凉快。And anyone who runs in hot weather knows that drinking cold water during a steamy run makes you feel cooler.