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叶酸对HCY有拮抗作用。HCY is inhibited by folic acid.

能力也被抑制“Capacities have been inhibited."

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用两种不同的方法抑制了TG2。TG2 was inhibited in two separate ways.

几丁质明显抑制这两种细胞生长。Chitin inhibited the growth of either cells.

他的工作似乎已经被禁止了。He seemed to have been inhibited in his work.

该抗体能够抑制小鼠精卵的融合。The antiserum inhibited mouse sperm-egg fusion.

士的宁也抑制脑内多巴胺的转换。Strychnine also inhibited DA transition in brain.

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这项土地法禁止成立更大的农场。The land law inhibited the creation of bigger farms.

胍丁胺可以抑制吗啡镇痛耐受。Agmatine inhibited the tolerance to morphine in mice.

它还经抑制剂处理,具有抗锈蚀保护。It is also inhibited to give protection against rusting.

小麦根毛的生长和新根的发生也受到了抑制。The outgrowth of root hair and new roots were inhibited.

还能减轻由番泻叶引起的结肠炎症。Domestic Sme also inhibited the colitis induced by senna.

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上述化合物均能抑制小麦芽鞘的生长。These compounds inhibited the growth of wheat coleoptile.

甘草甜素能明显减少空斑的形成。Glycyrrhizin greatly inhibited the forming of plaque units.

硬水显著抑制一品红生长。Hard water inhibited significantly the growth of poinsettia.

高浓度的磷抑制植酸酶的合成。Phytase production was inhibited by high level of phosphate.

总统的同僚向他进言的渠道被阻塞了。Candid advice ot the President by his colleagues is inhibited.

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总统的同僚向他进言的渠道被阻塞了。Candid advice to the president by his colleagues is inhibited.

法国的开国之父们没有过分正经的烦恼。No prudish worries inhibited the fathers of the French nation.

TIBA也能抑制离体蒜薹切段的伸长。TIBA also inhibited elongation of excised garlic bolt segments.