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她以前是个演员。She usta be an actress.

那女演员怎么样?What about the actress?

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我想成为一个女演员.I want to be an actress.

她是一名电视台演员。She is an actress on TV.

你最喜欢的女演员是谁?Who is your fav actress?

她是个女演员。She is down as an actress.

她是一个性格演员。She's a character actress.

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这个女演员有双绿色的眼睛。The actress has green eyes.

西登斯太太曾是个女演员。Mrs. Siddons was an actress.

何超仪是一名演员兼歌手。She is an actress and singer.

她现在是个走红的演员。She is now a popular actress.

这位女演员加唱了两首歌。The actress sang two encores.

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你最喜欢的女演员是谁?Who is your favorite actress?

奥黛丽·赫本是名演员Audrey Hepburn was an actress.

她是职业演员。She is a professional actress.

我的姑姑杰妮弗是一个女演员。My aunt Jennifer is an actress.

这个女演员在嘴上涂了点口红。The actress lipsticked her mouth.

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义正词严骂女主角的,BS下。Actress sternly scolded, under BS.

我从来没听说过这位女演员。I have never heard of the actress.

她迅速成长为一名优秀的女演员。She burgeoned into a fine actress.