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硬膜动静脉畸形或动静脉瘘可以出现颅内静脉充血。Dural AVM or AVF presents with engorgement of the intracranial venous system.

甚至是你高潮之后你仍然会有高潮前生殖器充血的感觉。Even after you orgasm, you still have that pre-orgasm feeling of genital engorgement.

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不过,大量的研究发现女性往往意识不到生殖器官因血液流量增加而导致的“发涨”。But a good deal of research shows that women are often unaware of genital blood engorgement.

亲朋好友轮番请客,导致“暴饮暴食”成为了节日副产品。Friends and relatives feast each other in turn, making engorgement a by-product of the festivals.

感染的状况以及蜱虫吸血的程度,以及因此造成的感染风险,通常还不为人知。The infection status and degree of engorgement of the tick, and therefore the risk of infection, are generally not known.

如果一个健康女子的性器官没有任何的膨胀,那麽她就没有在躯体上达到性唤起,也就是说她的性器官没有充血。A healthy woman is not physically aroused if her sex organs do not show any tumescence , i. e there is no engorgement with blood.

减轻静脉驱张、腿部水肿、强化肝脏、减轻经痛、神经衰弱。European verbena can relieve venous engorgement , ease dropsy on leg, strengthen liver, reduce menorrhalgia and help neurasthenia.

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当妈妈们的产奶量和宝宝的需求调适好后,先前的胀奶或充盈感觉就会消失。When a mother's milk supply adjusts to her baby's needs, the feelings of fullness or engorgement she may have felt early on will subside.

整个骨盆分布的血管也随之胀大﹐发生充血﹐产生充实及性敏感。The blood vessels through the whole pelvic area also swell, causing engorgement and creating a feeling of fullness and sexual sensitivity.

结果接触组咽干咽痛、咽充血及鼻黏膜充血、干燥等与对照组比较差异有非常显著性。Results The symptom prevalence of throat dryness, sore, engorgement and nasal mucosa engorgement and dryness were higher in the exposed group.

目的探讨急性外伤性重症幕上血肿与同侧头皮静脉怒张的关系。Objective To discuss the relationship between severe supratentorial hematoma and ipsilateral scalp-venous engorgement in patients with acute severe brain injury.

认为周围气道主要病变为粘膜发红、色素沉着、分泌物增加以及粘膜苍白、水肿、血管扩张等。Themain lesions of peripheral airways revealed by the examination were reddening, pigmentation, secretion, engorgement of blood vessels, mucosal pallor and edema.

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眼窝电脑断层显示双侧海绵窦及上眼静脉鼓张,颈动脉血管摄影诊断为右侧外伤性颈动脉海绵窦瘘管。Orbital computed tomography showed engorgement of bilateral cavernous sinuses and superior ophthalmic veins. Carotid angiogram confirmed the evidence of right TCCF.

具有利尿的特性,强化循环系统,安抚神经痛,调节荷尔蒙,抚平焦虑、沮丧,舒解压力。Skin care for more skin types, head lice , neuralgia, poor circulation, menopausal distress, engorgement of the breasts in breastfeeding mothers, PMS, nervous tension.

XRCC1基因多态性可能会增加胃癌的易感性,并可能与烟酒嗜好、腌制食品及暴饮暴食存在协同作用。The genetic polymorphisms of the DNA repair gene XRCC1 might contribute to the susceptibility to gastric cancer and interact with smoking, drinking, pickle, engorgement.

临床表现具有诊断意义者为颈静脉怒张,肝大,腹水,心电图T波普遍低平或倒置。Clinical manifestations of diagnostic significance were marked venous engorgement in the neck, hepatomegaly, ascites, and flattened or inverted T waves on electrocardiogram.

肾脏、头肾和脾脏出现不同程度充血,肝细胞呈水样变性,感染末期个体的肾脏、肝脏等出现细胞空泡化。The body kidney, head kidney and spleen represented the symptom of engorgement and the liver cells became liquid. The kidney and liver appeared to be vacuolization in the terminal infection.