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让我来告诉你及时行乐的重要。Let me tel you about carpe diem.

史记出生于北特拉维夫。Sagi was born in North Tel Aviv.

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你还有什么话要告诉我?L Do you have something else to tel me ?

六是抽查12318文化市场举报电话。Sixth, the cultural market report checks 12318 Tel.

两个以色列人坐在特拉维夫海滩上阅读。Two Israelis are sitting on the beach in Tel Aviv, reading.

本周早些时候她在特拉维夫市进行了表演。Earlier this week the Umbrella singer performed in Tel Aviv.

在以色列时,列维•利布雷斯库教授在特拉维夫大学任教。In Israel, Dr. Librescu took a position at Tel Aviv University.

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“你别急,我马上回来”黄韬在电话中说。"You don't urgently, I am right back" Huang Tao says in the tel.

他们安顿在了特拉维夫,在那里,阿西亚开放成了年轻的女人。They settled in Tel Aviv, where Assia bloomed into young womanhood.

一年多来,土耳其一直在特拉维夫和大马士革之间进行斡旋。Turkey for more than a year has mediated between Tel Aviv and Damascus.

即使Intel--Wintel中的tel部分--现在也支持Mac了。Even Intel -- the "tel" part of "Wintel" -- is powering Macs these days.

就像他们在特拉维夫所说的,“你知道的魔鬼要比你不知道的魔鬼好多了。As they say in Tel Aviv, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

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为了让他跟随萨尔茨曼学习,拉阿巴斯举家迁移到一个临近特拉维夫的社区。To allow him to study with her, the family moved to a community near Tel Aviv.

在泰拉维,一个炸弹炸死了两人,伤了十二个人。A bomb explosion has killed two people in Tel Aviv. Tweleve others were wounded.

布什总统和夫人抵达特拉维夫,受到以色列军方仪仗队的欢迎。An Israeli military honor guard welcomed the president and Mrs. Bush to Tel Aviv.

特拉维夫有一种放松的氛围,并且以其对同性恋人群友善和开放而自豪不已。Tel Aviv has a relaxed air, and prides itself on being gay-friendly and outgoing.

遭受电话恐吓、勒索者。商家经常接到不明来电者。Tel suffered intimidation, blackmail those. Merchants often received unknown caller.

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与前者不同的是,中国选择了机动能力更差一点拖车式导弹运输发射车。Unlike its predecessor, China opted for the less mobile trailer-mounted missile TEL.

一名女子举起彩虹旗参加一年一度的同性恋游行,特拉维夫。A woman held up a rainbow flag during the annual Gay Pride parade in Tel Aviv Friday.

以色列人在特拉维夫附近的吉夫阿塔伊姆市观看日偏食。Israelis watch a partial solar eclipse in the town of Givatayim near Tel Aviv, Israel.