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日本金泽大学博士毕业。Obtained the doctor degree in Japanese Kanazawa University.

我在金泽的宾馆吃完早饭后,坐火车到了东京。We returned to Tokyo by train after breakfast at our hotel in Kanazawa.

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就像名古屋和东京一样,金泽坐落于本州岛。Just like Nagoya and Tokyo Kanazawa is located on Honshu, Japan's main island.

Kanazawa没有发现高智商或低智商在女性人群中预示着性行为的排他性。Kanazawa did not find that higher or lower intelligence predicted sexual exclusivity in women.

同时,日本金泽医科大学的研究人员也发布了同样理论。At the same time, Kanazawa Medical University, Japan, researchers have published the same theory.

Kanazawa博士认为父母的基因会倾向于产生能从基因中获益的孩子。Dr Kanazawa believes that parents tend to produce children who benefit from their own attributes.

金泽博士认为,父母通常会生出能受益于自身基因的孩子。Dr Kanazawa believes that parents tend to produce children who benefit from their own attributes.

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金沢市是一个被隐藏的宝藏,一个感受生活艺术和文化的胜地。Kanazawa is a hidden treasure, a perfect spot to experience the living art and culture of old Japan.

这位出生于日本东京的金泽博士曾在保加利亚读书,后来获得了美国亚利桑那大学社会学的博士学位。Tokyo-born Dr Kanazawa studied in Bulgaria and gained a PhD in Sociology at the University of Arizona.

一只27天大的小长颈鹿依偎在母亲的身边,日本横滨金泽动物园。A 27-day-old female Reticulated Giraffe stands beside her mother at Kanazawa Zoological Park in Yokohama, Japan.

兼六园坐落于兼六堡旁边,兼六堡也是非常吸引人的建筑。Kenroku-en Garden is situated right next to Kanazawa Castle, which is a very impressive structure in its own right.

日本金泽大学教授太田富久与一家专业污染处理公司合作取得了上述成果。Ota, Japan, Kanazawa University professor with a long rich professional waste treatment companies achieve the above results.

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他表示智商和忠诚度之间的这种关系是有其起源和进化发展的Dr Kanazawa claims that the correlation between intelligence and monogamy in men has its origins in evolutionary development.

所以住在高人口密度地区可能对你的总体生活舒适程度影响很小——这就是Kanazawa和Li的调查研究发现。So living in a high-population area may have a smaller effect on your overall well-being — that's what Kanazawa and Li found in their survey analysis.

宋本真正大规模进入日本乃晚至宋末元初的镰仓幕府时期,与著名的金泽文库之创建有着密切的关联。The large-scale entry occurred during the late Song and the early Yuan period— the Kamakura Shogunate, which was closely related to the establishment of Kanazawa library's foundation.

在日本Ishokawa的Kanazawa大学医学院进行的实验,共有58位年龄在21-38岁病在实验6个月之前做过子宫内膜炎手术的女性参加。The study, held at Kanazawa University School of Medicine, Ishokawa, Japan, sampled 58 women ages 21–38 who underwent operations for endometriosis within six months prior to the study.

费舍尔并未参与这项当前研究,尽管该研究的主要作者西村惠美在前往日本金泽的金泽大学之前曾和费舍尔在哈佛大学共事过。Fisher wasn’t involved in the current findings, though he worked with the lead author of the study, Emi Nishimura, at Harvard before she left for Kanazawa University in Kanazawa, Japan.