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拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生,一个文学先驱。Ralph Waldo Emerson. A literary pioneer.

沃尔多是第27步兵团的士兵。Waldo is with the 27th Infantry Regiment.

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丹·艾登喜欢的一首爱默生的诗Dan Eldon loved Ralph Waldo Emerson's poem

瓦尔多在他守护的他所爱的大峡谷里似乎感觉到了它早已注定的命运。Waldo has nursed a sense of doom about the canyon he loved.

感谢上帝,找耶稣比找威利容易多了。Thankfully, finding Jesus is a lot easier than finding Waldo.

“你可以将它看作是”沃尔多在哪里“问题,”珀拉德说。"You can think of it as a Where's Waldo problem," Pollard said.

四年前,瓦尔多引导了几个考古学的学生去那个地方。Four years ago, Waldo directed a pair of archaeology students to the site.

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随着心情越来越沉重,瓦尔多进入最终选择搬进他那靠近绿河附近的小平房里。With heavy heart, Waldo moved into a boxy little house in nearby Green River.

我选择了6个句子,它们都代表了爱默生对于生命的看法。I have selected 6 quotes, which represent Ralph Waldo Emerson’s views on life.

爱默生是一位美国的哲学家、诗人、演讲家及散文家。Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American philosopher, poet, lecturer, and essayist.

话不多说,下面我们选取来自爱默生关于成功的七堂课。Without further a due, here are seven success lessons from Ralph Waldo Emerson.

在一个五月的晚上,我和沃尔多坐在一座煤渣砖房前的草地上。One May evening, Waldo and I sat on the lawn in front of the cinder block house.

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三月的一个晚上,瓦尔多和我坐在空心砖房子前面的草地上。One May evening, Waldo and I sat on the lawn in front of the cinder-block house.

“没有热情就不会有任何伟大的成就,”拉尔夫-沃尔多-爱默生写道。"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm, " wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.

拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生说过,“对于不同的思想来说,世界可能是地狱,也可能是天堂。”Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To different minds, the same world is a hell and a heaven.”

五十多年前,沃尔多曾爬到崖脚,好奇地盯着上方。Some 50 years ago, Waldo had climbed to the base of this cliff, then stared up in wonder.

鲍勃·玛丽、甘地、丘吉尔、拉尔夫·瓦尔多·艾默生。Bob Marley was a great hero of Dan's along with Gandhi, Churchill and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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关于曾经生活在牧溪谷上的那群远古民族,瓦尔多逐步有了自己的理论。Waldo gradually developed his own theories about the ancients who once thronged Range Creek.

瓦尔多觉得弗里蒙特人将粮食储存在悬崖边缘的岩壁上是一种非常好的方法。That the Fremont stored their grain on such severe cliffside ledges made perfect sense to Waldo.

我们最伟大的荣光并不在于永不失败,而是在于每次失败我们都能再站起来。-拉斐尔·爱默生。Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.