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非洲人国民大会与种族主义进行了半个世纪的斗争。The ANC has spent half a century fighting against racialism.

以此为武器,祖马和他在ANC高层的盟友撼动并倾覆了姆贝基。With that, Zuma and his allies at the top of the ANC moved and toppled Mbeki.

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她大胆地说出了这些情况,然而非洲人国民大会很少赏脸给予注意和回复。She spoke out about all of it, though the ANC seldom deigned to notice or reply.

她是最低的非洲人国民大会已根据200和她的中性粒细胞仍然是很低的。Her ANC is the lowest it has been, under 200 and her neutrophils are still very low.

共设置20个位置供不同之吸嘴于搭载时进行交换之动作。The system can select up to 20 nozzles from the ANC for various component placement.

非国大政府显然不能去冒使脆弱的南非经济翻船的危险。The ANC government cannot afford to risk capsizing the fragile South African economy.

日立电动非洲公司称,ANC并未就出售该财团股份一事有过正式的招标。Hitachi Power Africa says the ANC has made no formal bid to sell its share in the consortium.

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他的家乡在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省,该省的非国大领导人说了,祖马是他们的总统候选人。ANC leaders in KwaZulu Natal, his home province, have said he is their presidential candidate.

这位25岁的木匠不同意有关国大党没有尽心竭力帮助人民的批评。The 25-year-old carpenter disagrees with the criticism that the ANC hasn't done enough to help people.

他在非国大党找到了“另一个家”,还精神上受到了流亡国外的非国大领导人奥利佛。坦博父亲般的照顾。He found a surrogate family in the party and a spiritual father in Oliver Tambo , who led the ANC in exile.

我向我们的主席——奥利弗•坦博同志致敬,他在最艰难的环境下领导着非国大。I salute our President, Comrade Oliver Tambo, for leading the ANC even under the most difficult circumstances.

在监狱里,莫特兰蒂和几名非国大领导人建立起关系,从而为他在这个组织里的未来铺平了道路。While in jail he forged relationships with several ANC leaders, paving the way for his future in the organization.

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接下来发生的,便是被一位高级法院的法官称为“泰坦尼克式”的政治角逐,以争夺ANC的控制权。From that followed what a high court judge recently described as a "titanic political struggle" for control of the ANC.

而费恩斯坦是事后调查这些军火交易的议会政府账目委员会中的最高级ANC成员。Feinstein was the highest ranking ANC member of parliament's public accounts committee that later investigated those deals.

该党成员批评祖马的国大党未能维护法律和宪法,但人民代表大会党却能保护其不受侵犯。Its members criticize the ANC under Zuma for failing to uphold the rule of law and the constitution, which Cope says it will protect.

南非前总统纳尔逊。曼得拉出现在执政党ANC党最后一次竞选前集会,另所有人意外。Former South African president Nelson Mandela has made an unexpected appearance at the governing ANC party's final pre-election rally.

在一份声明中,尤利乌斯·马莱马称,长期以来有迹象表明,该决定实质上是想要取缔非国大青年联盟的领导权。Reading from a statement, Julius Malema said there were always signs that the decision was to suspend the ANC Youth League leadership.

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此方法包括测定钴渣中铜、钴、镍的硫酸盐、氢氧化物、硫化物和氧化物。This paper involves determination of sulfates-hydroxides-, sulfides-, anc oxides-phase of copper, cobalt and nickel in cobalt residue.

人民代表大会党已经成为南非中产阶级的选择,而这些人群以往通常是将票投给国大党或是民主联盟的。Cope has become an alternative for the country's middle class, which traditionally voted for either the ANC or the Democratic Alliance.

英美矿业公司的代表们与非国大领袖进行了秘密会晤,就此问题多次举行所谓“生气勃勃”的讨论。Representatives from Anglo-American had what they called "spirited sessions" debating the problem with ANC leaders behind closed doors.