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他选择了阿佛洛狄忒,却因此引起了雅典娜和赫拉的不满。He picked Aphrodite, thus angering Athena and Hera.

“雅典娜”是指“一群女人在一起”在希伯来文。"Athena" means in Hebrew a "group of woman together".

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你的邪恶面希望杀掉雅典娜,统治圣域。Your Evil side wishes to dominate Sanctuary and Kill Athena.

雅典娜造了一棵橄榄树,象征和平与财富。Athena produced an olive tree-the symbol of peace and wealth.

有些争斗以雅典娜肉体上的创痛而结束。Some of the battles caused Athena to wind up physically beaten.

雅典娜沙拉,新鲜番茄,黄瓜,混合橄榄和羊乳酪。Athena salad, fresh tomato, cucumber, mix olives and feta cheese.

雅典娜是智慧女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts.

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这并不容易,雅典娜已经死去两年了。This is not an easy thing to do. Athena died almost two years ago.

雅典娜是怎么上去基地之星救她的女儿的?How did Athena get onto the Cylon base ship to rescue her daughter?

我是阿斯塔与雅典娜在一起。我给予我的爱、我的喜悦和我的帮助给你们。I am Ashtar with Athena. I give you my love, my joy and my support.

表现雅典卫城内部和它的雅典娜雕像。Rendering of the inside of the Acropolis and it's statue of Athena.

雅典娜原型者往往会被配偶欺骗。The spouse may recurrently cheat upon the one with Athena archetype.

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奎托斯离开水镜,却发现雅典娜正站在他的必经之路上。Kratos walks away from the structure to find Athena standing in his path.

这座建筑装饰着神话人物,阿西娜和爱马仕。This building is adorned with mythological characters, Athena and Hermes.

你被称为佛祖复活和骄傲的雅典娜。You have been called the reincarnation of Budda and Serve Athena with Pride.

2004年雅典奥运会的吉祥物费沃斯和雅典娜是一对兄妹。Phevos and Athena are brother and sister and the official Athens 2004 Mascots.

终于海格从雅典娜女神那里得到了一些能发声的响板。Finally Heracles resorted to some castanets given to him by the goddess Athena.

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人们渴望和平,不要战争,结果这座城归了女神雅典娜。People are longing for peace, not war, result the city unto the goddess Athena.

苹果在赫拉,雅典娜和阿芙罗狄蒂三位女神间引起了激烈争执。It caused a violent quarrel among the three goddesses, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.

舒伊小朋友穿着万圣节的衣服从房间里跑出来。她的造型是雅典娜。Shuyi wore the Halloween clothes. She was imitating Athena by this set of clothes.