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布尔乔亚"是法语bourgeois的音译Bourgeois is a French word.

于是他把小有产者带走了。And he led his little bourgeois away.

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比如说"市民"或称之为"布尔乔亚"Even take the word burgher or bourgeois.

那些人便耐心地随着这些老财们。These men patiently pursue these bourgeois.

修正主义是一种资产阶级思想。Revisionism is one form of bourgeois ideology.

这就是资产阶级社会评价人的方法。That was the way bourgeois society valued a man.

它们既没有看见这个有产者,也没有看见蛋糕。They had seen neither the bourgeois nor the brioche.

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公主因与一位富有的商人结婚而被逐出皇族。The princess was ostracised for marrying a rich bourgeois.

于是他们带着蔑视的口吻,把那些人称之为,中产阶级分子。They would call him somewhat contemptuously the bourgeois.

是啊,金融危机草菅了许多小资白领。Financial crisis made many petty bourgeois become grass roots.

陈炽是中国近代著名的资产阶级改良主义思想家。Chenchi was a famous bourgeois reformatory thinker of modern China.

这种叫嚣,其本质就是顽固分子们的资产阶级专制主义。In essence it is the howl of the die-hards for bourgeois despotism.

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南海并不比资产阶级文明更能吸引他。The South Seas charmed him no more than did bourgeois civilization.

有钱人家的房屋直到二十五年前才开始在这里出现。Bourgeois houses only began to spring up there twenty-five years later.

在夏布洛尔电影里,有很多迹象是对中产阶级故作自尊的取笑。There was a tease in Chabrol and many signs of bourgeois respectability.

我们布尔乔亚小资产阶级逻辑矛盾的假道学,就是这副德性。Such was the hypocrisy of our bourgeois societies with its halting logic.

这是马克思主义术语资产阶级和无产阶级古老的一环。The Marxist terminology of bourgeois and proletarian has an archaic ring.

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唯有一处不符合一位优雅的资产阶级形象——乔戈斯的双手。Only one factor contradicted the cultivated bourgeois image-Georgos'hands.

反对资产阶级右派是必要的,但是搞过分了。It was necessary for us to combat bourgeois Rightists, but we went too far.

杨毓麟是辛亥革命时期杰出的资产阶级民主革命家、宣传家。Yang Yu lin was a famous bourgeois democratic revolutionist and propagator.