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水腊树也是一种实用且增长迅速的篱壁式植物。Privet was also a convenient and fast growing hedge.

长城公司和我答配得非常默契。The Great Wall Company and I have privet cooperation.

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但小惠金区和女贞路到底在哪儿啊?But where EXACTLY is Little Whinging and Privet Drive?

小围金路上的一条街,与女贞路交界。A street in Little Whinging, intersecting Privet Drive.

艾玛随后说,她有急事需要秘密的对他们俩讲。Emma then said she needed to speak to them urgently and in privet.

“水蜡树”第三个声音显得比前两个正式多了。"Privet." This third voice was rather more prim than the first two.

这些都不符合我们所知道的北萨里郡及女贞路。These do not match with north surrey and privet drive as we know it.

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他看了看周围,四号出口,女贞路,没有人。He looked around, the landing of number four, Privet Drive, was deserted.

要么就是他每天在马尔夫大宅和女贞路之间来回奔走?Or did he come and go between the Malfoy mansion and Privet Drive every day?

女贞路是在我把它称之为伦敦的“卫星城”的边缘。Privet Drive is on the outskirts of what I would call a " satellite" town to London.

女贞路4号一定是在30年代左右盖的,它的墙上,可能也有那时特有的小石子镶嵌。No 4, Privet Drive has to be a 1930's house, perhaps with its period " pebble-dashed" walls.

麦格以猫的形态到达了女贞路并且在花园的墙上等候了一整天。McGonagall goes to Privet Drivet at this point as a cat and waits all day on the garden wall.

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那只猫还在原地,正目不转睛地盯着女贞路路口,好像在等待什么。The cat was still there. It was staring down Privet Drive as though it were waiting for something.

它卧在墙头上,宛如一座雕像,纹丝不动,目不转睛地盯着女贞路远处的街角。It was sitting as still as a statue, its eyes fixed unblinkingly on the far corner of Privet Drive.

目的比较常规治疗与女贞子鲜叶治疗口腔溃疡的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of the treatment using privet trees fresh leaves on canker in mouth.

哈利将在女贞路待一段时间,但是JK罗琳说过这会是他目前为止在那停留的时间最短的一次。Harry will spend some time in Privet Drive, but JKR has said that this will be his shortest stay yet.

麦格在何时何地从海格哪里知道隔天邓不利多会在女贞路那里出现?When and where did McGonagall find out from Hagrid that Dumbledore would be on Privet Drive that next night?

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海格没有告诉她女贞路的住户是谁,或者他们的关系和之后的事有什么关联。Hagrid didn't even tell her who lived in Privet Drive or what their relationship was to all that was going on.

小天狼星的确有说他游回大陆,然后到女贞路看了哈利才北上去霍格沃茨。Sirius does state quite clearly that he swam to shore, then visited Privet Drive before heading north to Hogwarts.

对女贞果红色素的提取及性质进行了研究。The essay studied the extraction of red pigment from the fruits of glossy privet and its physicochemical properties.