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财政纪律松驰。Financial discipline is lax.

金融危机是一件。The financial crisis was one.

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人人都有财务上的恐惧感。Everybody has financial fears.

重新校准你的财务价值观Recalibrating financial values

是金融从业者的工资是否过高了哪?Are financial workers overpaid?

我在财务上的平均自责分My financial earned-run average

有很多种经济支持形式。There's a lot of financial aid.

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另一个不同体现在学校财政方面。Another difference is financial.

金融危机是一次严重挫折。The financial crisis was a jolt.

财务科在哪里?Where's the Financial Department?

财力分散。Financial resources are dispersed.

有些隐匿着家道没落的恐惧。Some hide fears of financial ruin.

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这正是金融市场的作用。That is what financial markets do.

这可能会威胁经融市场。It would threaten financial markets.

你能克服财政问题。You can overcome financial problems.

还有这次旅行的财政方面?And the financial aspect of the trip?

他有许多经济上的困难。He has many financial embarrassments.

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这些都是财政狂热的代价。Such are the wages of financial mania.

卡卡财经网,欢迎各位光临!Kaka Financial Network, welcome you to!

玛丽,这里是我们的财会部。Mary, here is our financial department.