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凳子就是既没有靠背又没有扶手的椅子。A stool is a backless and armless seat.

我把头靠在她的一侧,一次没有臂膀的拥抱,一个温馨的轻推。I pushed my head into her side, an armless hug, a reassuring nudge.

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他来自北京,是一位断臂钢琴师,在这项选秀活动中被题名为。Liu, an armless pianist from Beijing, was named one of the show's finalists.

惩戒室里只有很少的几件家具,一张床,一把椅背挺直没有扶手的椅子,还有几张小桌子。The room was sparsely furnished with a bed, a sturdy armless straight-chair, and a couple of small tables.

它这样被命名,是因为它会把穿着者的手臂也包起来,好像这个人没有手臂一样,就像维纳斯雕像。It is called that corset because it encloses the arms, so that the wearer appears to be armless like a Venus.

杰西卡是目前世界上首位只用双脚驾驶飞机的合法飞行员。Cox earned her Sport Pilot license recently and has become the world's first armless pilot using her feet to fly.

设计师特意在客厅摆上了一张桃红色的靠背沙发,沙发和餐椅上都配上蜜桃红的抱枕。Top designers specially in the living room sofa of a peach red seats, sofas and armless have appeared juicy peach red pillows.

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一种宽大而无扶手的椅子的商标名。该椅有双层X形框架,由细雕不锈钢条组成,上面铺有皮垫。A trademark used for a wide armless chair with leather cushions on a double X-shaped frame formed of gently curving stainless steel bars.

一张直线条的不带扶手的沙发,镜面边桌和金属台灯为这个布局紧凑的起居室带来开扩的视觉感受。This streamlined armless sofa, glass -topped wire side table and metal desk lamp help maintain an open feeling in this compact living room.

轰炸机、坦克、火箭、白燐弹、机关枪是坚硬的高墙。被其摧毁、烧毁、击穿的非武装平民是鸡蛋。Bomber, tank, rocket, white phosphorous bomb and machine gun are solid high wall, and the armless civilian that destroyed, burnt and knocked down by those weapons were eggs.

那个无腿无臂的女人在水池面上飘浮着,健康女人的倒影和她的同伴都浸没在水中,渲染成没有手脚的样子,并且面向观众。The armless and legless woman floating on the surface of the pool, whether the reflection of the nondisabled woman or her twin rendered limbless by immersion in water, faces the beholder.

热门选手来自“中国达人秀”电视节目,无臂钢琴演奏者刘伟赢得了这场比赛,他将会于明年一月在澳大利亚,意大利和法国表演。Popular contestants from the 'China's Got Talent' TV show, including armless piano player Liu Wei who won the competition, will perform in Austria, Italy and France from January next year.

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在美国宾夕法尼亚州最近举办的游泳比赛中,没有双臂和双腿的"无肢人"克雷格·迪茨使用"人造尾鳍"参加了比赛,并在308名参赛者中名列275位。Craig Dietz, a US man born armless and legless, took part in a swimming competition in Pennsylvania recently with the help of a manmade caudal fin and finished 275th out of 308 participants.