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技巧4.赞美她的生殖器No.4 Compliment her on her genitalia

她的生殖器甚至进化得像雄性。Her genitalia have even evolved to look like the male's.

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在这周结束的时候,婴儿的生殖器将会发育完整。At the end of this week your baby’s genitalia will be fully formed.

本文记述两种狭天牛的雄性外生殖器结构。This paper reports the male genitalia of two species of Stenhomalus.

不要匆忙行房亦不要一开始就直接刺激性器官。Don’t rush into sex and focus attention immediately on the genitalia.

曾经听过有人把男性生殖器称为“一肉两菜”的吗?Ever heard the expression "meat and two veg" to describe male genitalia?

重庆哪家男科医院治疗生殖器疱疹比较好?Which Chongqing andrology hospital does the herpes curing genitalia finish comparing?

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“性,”Bockting说,“是生来便由外生殖器的样子注定的。Sex, Bockting says, is assigned at birth based on the appearance of external genitalia.

直到近期,女性生殖器在感觉侏儒中的位置才大概被推测出。Until recently, the position of female genitalia on the homunculus had only been guessed at.

生理卫生课上,老师放男性生殖器幻灯片,女生吓得直尖叫。Physical health class, the teachers put male genitalia slide, scared of girls straight scream.

这也是我们所要告诉你的,除了这个故事涉及用激光对准生殖器。That's all we're going to tell you, except that this story involves a laser directed at genitalia.

鲍恩样丘疹病为外生殖器部位的多发扁平丘疹,组织病理为低度恶性原位癌表现。Bowenoid papulosis is a disease clinically manifested by multiple flat papules on external genitalia.

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姓氏的首字母命名的,他是一名以研究女性生殖器闻名的妇产科医生。The G-spot is named after Dr. Ernst Grafenberg, a gynecologist known for his research on female genitalia.

你只要以半打欧洲城市开篇,再加上三十个男性生殖器的别称,嘭!You just start with half a dozen European cities, throw in thirty euphemisms for male genitalia , and bam!

因此,在置导尿管前应先进行直肠及外生殖器的检查。Accordingly, the urinary catheter should not be inserted before an examination of the rectum and genitalia.

将他的生殖器割下藏在自己的和服里,直到3天后她被逮捕。Then she cut off his genitalia and carried it around in her kimono until she was arrested three days later.

也不意味着双性恋者不能让他们的生殖器体会到多种多样的快感他们就会很杯具。Nor does it mean that bisexuals are destined to be miserable without a variety of genitalia at their disposal.

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本文描述了34种天蛾雌雄外生殖器主要部分的基本构造和变异类型。The present paper deals with the structures of the male and female genitalia of34 Species of Chinese Sphingidae.

雌性土狼随意挑选和抛弃她的男伴,并进化出了看上去和雄性土狼一样的生殖器。The female hyena picks and dumps her male as she sees fit, and has even evolved genitalia that look like a male's.

即使你有必要的生殖器去完成这个实验,事实和想象往往还是难以区分。It’s often hard to separate the truth from the myth, even if you own the necessary genitalia to conduct experiments.