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加盐,尝尝咸淡。Salt to taste.

尝尝我的铁刃!Taste my steel!

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铁器有一股怪味。Iron has a taste.

改变自己味蕾。Taste buds change.

又领略到了什么?What do you taste?

真理味苦。Truth taste bitter.

我觉得它毫无滋味。It palls on my taste.

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金属有味道吗?Does Metal Have a Taste?

这鱼味道如何?How does the fish taste?

这东西尝闻来味道很好。It is good to the taste.

你要尝尝吗?Would you like to taste?

这汤味道好吗?Does the soup taste good?

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柠檬有股酸味。Lemons have a sour taste.

伤风使某人失去辨别滋味的能力。A cold dulls sb. 's taste.

柠檬有“酸味”。Lemons have an acid taste.

生活是至福,去体验它吧!Life is a bliss, taste it!

葡萄酒中的苦涩味就是单宁。Tannin has a bitter taste.

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品味生活,相约帝豪!Taste life, meet in Royal!

蚂蚁更早来品花。The ants taste it earlier.

这些面包吃起来很香。The bread taste very well.