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加特林四个豌豆豌豆芽的时间!Gatling peas shoot four peas at a time!

但是他们有加特林机枪,这种机枪可以象泼水一样向敌人发射子弹。But they had Gatling machine guns which poured a stream of bullets at the enemy.

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从离散数据点入手,得到了AK630舰炮理论凸轮曲线。The theoretic cam curve of AK630 Gatling naval gun was obtained from the analysis of discrete points.

对三管转管机枪新型驱动技术—拉瓦尔喷管气流反推驱动技术进行了研究。A new type of self driving technology-Laval jet gas driving for the 3 barrel Gatling gun is put forward.

有消息说,凌将军正在致力于发展更加准确和高效的加特林机炮。There are rumors that Leang is working on the development of even more accurate and efficient Gatling cannons.

一个战争机器的图片也出现在了结尾字幕的画面里,并且盔甲的肩部装上了格林机关枪。An animation of a War Machine suit can also be seen in the closing credits with a Gatling gun attached on a shoulder.

陆盾2000是海军730型近程防御系统的陆基版本,它综合了一门7管30毫米加特林炮和6枚天燕90型地对空导弹。The land-based version of the naval CIWS Type-730 the LD-2000 combines a seven barreled 30mm Gatling gun with 6 TY-90 SAMs.

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外能源超高射速转管炮所需驱动功率巨大,存在武器适用性问题。Super-high fire rate external power Gatling gun needs a huge of driving power, and it has the problem of weapon applicability.

谁可以忘记亨利进球后后卫们那苍白的面孔亨利就像这么的一杆连击炮,在你站起来之前把你再次击倒。How can people forget the deadly expression on the defenders' face after Thiery scored?Henry is just like such a Gatling Gunner.

就想到他双管加特林坦克那样,凌将军希望自己的人工智能防空系统是飞机杀手而非炮灰。Just like on her Double Gatling Tank, Leang prefers to have the aircraft killing of her AA and AI defense not interrupted by cannon fodder.

转管武器转速是确定转管武器的结构参数与武器性能关系的重要参数。Rotating velocity is a significant parameter to confirm the relationship between the configuration parameter of Gatling gun and its capability.

早期的盖特机炮虽然要靠手摇才能开火,但它毕竟是同时解决了装弹、稳定性、连续开火问题的首款火力武器。A hand-driven machine gun, the Gatling gun was the first firearm to solve the problems of loading, reliability, and the firing of sustained bursts.

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就像前面说到的那样,由于凌将军致力于技术,她从一开始就致力于提高加特林机炮的性能,并且不需要升级。As mentioned before, due to Leang's focus on technology, she is granted improved Gatling cannons from the beginning and does not need to upgrade these.

以转管武器凸轮曲线槽主滚轮系统为背景,进行了高速反圆柱凸轮机构滚轮动力学分析。With the background of Gatling gun′s cam curve slot and main roller system, dynamics analysis of high speed inverse cylinder cam mechanism was carried out.

美国南北战争期间,俄亥俄州一位叫理查.加特林的医生几乎天天都看见军队开赴前线,以及从前线回来的伤者病者死者。During the American Civil War, an Ohio doctor named Richard Gatling witnessed almost daily the departure of troops to the front and the return of the wounded, sick, and dead.

它倒在地上,扭曲着,就像一条蛇——奈提莉准备扑向他——夸里奇举起了加特林机枪——怪兽向他发起了进攻——砰,砰,砰!It lands, twisting back on itself almost like a snake-- Zuleika gathers for a leap as-- Quaritch raises the gatling gun and-- The manticore launches at him and-- P-P-P-POOM!!

三刻钟内用加特林机枪在三十码处不能击中一个教堂的年轻人,却可以站在百码开外,举起一把空膛的旧火枪,趟趟把祖母当靶子击倒。A youth who can’t hit a cathedral at thirty yards with a Gatling gun in three quarters of an hour, can take up an old empty musket and bag his grandmother every time, at a hundred.