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实际上这也是我多年来一直持守的社会政治理念。In fact, these are just sociopolitical ideas I've held for years.

中国知识分子的革命和社会政治改革运动。Chinese intellectual revolution and sociopolitical reform movement.

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这种困境成为当今中国社会政治局势的不安定因素。This dilemma is really destabilizing for China's sociopolitical situation.

我写主要是广告和营销业务以及社会和政治评论。I write mainly on the advertising and marketing business as well as sociopolitical commentaries.

讨论中间性的生理、心理、宗教、法律和社会政治方面所面临的问题。Discuss the physical, psychological, ethical, legal, and sociopolitical dimensions of intersexuality.

和纽克拉的其他居民一样,尼斯伦不去谈论先辈的政治观念。Like most Nucla residents, Naslund doesn’t talk about his ancestors in terms of sociopolitical theories.

本文主要论述了朱元璋对伊斯兰教的态度及其社会政治影响。The thesis mainly explicates Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude towards Islamism and its sociopolitical influence.

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“翰林”、“盈”字款白瓷是研究唐代邢窑生产性质及唐代社会政治、经济的重要实物资料。Wares bearing these marks are important for studying the sociopolitical and economic history of the Tang.

通过中欧社会论坛,邀请欧洲和中国的社会政治组织或机构参加后续会议。Through the Forum, organize a follow-up meeting with sociopolitical organizations in European and Chinese society.

第四,一些心理学研究让人感到是来自社会政治意识形态,并可能遭到其扭曲。Fourth, some psychological research is perceived to be derived from and possibly biased by a sociopolitical ideology.

蔡国强的作品不单是寄讬出他自己超然的审美观,其实更盛载著他对社会和政治的观察。Despite the transcendent aspirations of Cai's own aesthetic, his works are in fact loaded with sociopolitical observations.

不过,这些国家亦位于亚洲和欧洲相接的地带,且和后者有社会政治上的关连。However, these countries also lie in regions that straddle both Asia and Europe, and have sociopolitical ties to the latter.

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环境、经济以及社会政治的焦虑对中国近期发展趋势的稳定性提出了挑战。Environmental, economic, and sociopolitical concerns raise questions about the sustainability of China's recent growth trends.

我建议我们关注媒体,它会给我们提供一个关于什么是这个时代的社会政治氛围的粗略指标。I suggest we look at the media, which provides a rough indicator of what it perceives as the sociopolitical climate of the times.

部落通常是最主要的社会政治单元,部落间的文化交流在大范围创造出了类似的文化。The tribe was often the major sociopolitical unit, with cultural exchanges between tribes creating similar culture over vast distances.

多哥自1992年延续至今的社会政治危机冲击其国家的经济表现,也因此国家发展受到影响。The sociopolitical crisis ongoing in Togo since 1992 has an impact on the country's economic performance and, consequently, its development.

有效控制禽流感蔓延对于中国社会政治稳定和经济发展具有极其重要的战略意义。Effectively controlling the spread of Bird Flu is of large strategic meaning to the sociopolitical stability and economic evolution of China.

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对谢曹闽来说,当今艺术家往往把注意力集中在特定的社会政治主题作为创作灵感之基础。In his view, today's artists more & more tend to focus on the specific sociopolitical issue as the inspirational bases for the art creativity.

作为思潮兼社会政治运动的社会主义的发展,在很大程度上归功于圣西门的追随者的影响。The development of socialism as both an intellectual current and sociopolitical movement owed much to the influence of Saint-Simon's followers.

科尔沁地区的自然因素和社会政治因素对蒙古族长调民歌的发展产生了深远影响。Kerqin region natural factors and sociopolitical factors on the local Mongolian long-tune folk songs have had a far-reaching impact on development.