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但是氟是如何发挥其魔力的?But how does fluoride work its magic?

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它不含氟,这点我最喜欢。I love that this contains NO fluoride.

而用氟化物漱口则能够使其坚固。A fluoride rinse can help strengthen it.

氟是一种自然形成的矿物质。Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral.

我应该给孩子氟化添加物吗?Should I give my child fluoride supplements?

氟中毒是由于摄入过量氟引起的。Excess ingestion of fluoride can cause Fluorosis.

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氟化物是防止牙齿受侵蚀的最好防护物!Fluoride is the best defense against tooth decay!

氟化剂可以加强儿童发育中的牙齿。Fluoride strengthens developing teeth in children.

从豌豆提取的烯醇酶对氟化物敏感。Enolase isolated from peas was sensitive to fluoride.

方法采用氟离子选择电极法。Method Fluoride ion selective electrode method was used.

牙膏和漱口水是氟的良好来源。Toothpastes and mouthwashes are good sources of fluoride.

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现在DEC盐里面还有碘和氟化物。And now DEC salt comes fortified with iodine and fluoride.

每个人需要每天用含氟牙膏。Everyone should brush with a fluoride toothpaste every day.

分离出溶解度小的氟化铝、氟化锂、氟化钠等。Aluminium fluoride, lithium fluoride and sodium fluoride etc.

因此,人们在社区供水中添加了氟化物。As such, fluoride is added to the water supply of communities.

我国氟橡胶面临着良好的发展机遇。China's rubber fluoride facing a good opportunity for development.

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对氟化物采取行动应该在饮用水里头加氟化物吗?Taken for a Fluoride Should we be fluoridating our drinking water?

这个系统,由林德集团制造,能将氟化氢分解成氟气。The system, made by Linde, splits hydrogen fluoride into fluorine.

因高浓度氟化物而造成的这一疾患是可以预防的。This suffering caused by high levels of fluoride can be prevented.