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那个书店在淮海路上。The bookstore is in Huaihai Road.

在沿河路有一家书店。There's a bookstore on River Road.

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在滨河路上有一家书店。There is a bookstore on River Road.

吉林市船营新华书店。City boat battalion Xinhua Bookstore.

我觉得这间书局种类跟别家不太一样…I think you will like this bookstore.

我从新华书店买的这本书。I buy this book from Xinhua Bookstore.

新艺术风格旧书店,葡萄牙。The Lello bookstore in Porto, Portugal.

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在书店附近有一个公车站。There is a bus stop near the bookstore.

他在书店查询那本书。He enquired for the book in a bookstore.

当然可以,沿河路有一家书店。Sure. There's a bookstore on River Road.

当然可以。在沿河路有一个书店。Sure. There's a bookstore on River Road③.

书店紧靠着音像店。The bookstore is next to the music store.

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你能告诉我新华书店在哪里吗?Can you tell me where Xinhua bookstore is?

他逛了一家旧书店。He poked about in a second-hand bookstore.

王先生的书店真的很赚钱。Mr. Wang's bookstore is a real money-maker.

这家书店不经销医药类书籍。The bookstore doesn't handle medical books.

我从书店订购了一些新书。I ordered some new books from the bookstore.

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我昨天在新华书店看到这本书了。I saw it yesterday at the Xin Hua bookstore.

就在新华书店的正对面。It's directly opposite the Xinhua Bookstore.

这家书店不经销医学类书藉。This bookstore doesn't handle medical books.